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2556 Child, (11 Year Old), A Young Girl, Bra, Thong AI Generated Art

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photo of the joker sitting at the counter in a bar, evil smile, mystic
1girl, (solo:1.2), (bending forward:1.3), (posing:1.3), (cleavage:1.3), smile, happy, at ease, (curvy:1.2), large breasts, (long hair:1.3), (masterpiece:1.3), (best quality:1.3), (perfect anatomy:1.4), highly detailed,  nia4294, (sketchy artstyle:1.3), vibrant colors, (simplified shading:1.2), saturated hues, film grain,  aayorf, sidelocks, gold hairband, hair ornament, red eyes, gold earring, large breasts, choker, bare shoulders, black dress, two-sided dress, fingerless gloves, thigh boots, (baker street 221b:1.5), (home of sherlock holmes:1.3), (inside:1.5),
Laura,by,Leo,Litvac,Stephanie,Shoot,Gleam,DinaDayMakeup,Portrait,of,a,beautiful,young,red-haired,woman,Fe,freckled,Cheerful,girl,redhead,tall,freckles,foxy,girls,Close,up,portrait,g,Giorgia,Madeline,Ford,A,piece,fine,art,photography,titled,Soul,Mi,Katia,Sergey,Martynov,girl,,portrait,,ginger,,freckles,,green,,eye,,colo,Chrissie,Best,Portraits,&,Conceptual,Collection,Part,IV,blue,eyes,,deviantart,,and,image,Girl,Freckles,Face,Close-Up,David,J,Crewe,Portrait-,und,Beauty-Retusche,px,Image,result,for,touch,ice,ebook,Beautiful,fr,Lily,Cole,gallery,'Freckled',Maja,Topagi,-,Photograph,sss,nastia,vesna,on,femininity,WPixel,More,Than,Beaty,Justyna,Wi,,,lips,,natural,,face,,freckl,_marianna_m_fotogen_model_switzerland,the-perks-of-being-gina,Her,though,Stefan,Kothner,Photographer-,Untitled,Alla,Pisareva,Naked,Striking,Redhead,Teen,Dramatic,Female,Alessio,Albi,bad,blood,cristina-otero,a_-year-old_red-haired_catholic_girl_photographe,cabelos-tingidos-dicas,freckles-lindsay-adler-photography-EEA_origin,Lena,Dunaeva,pxcom,Red,Hair,,Blue,Eyes,,Portraitfotos,mit,redhair,in,casual,closes,Kumarov,Amkote,Michael,red,haired,with,looking,at,camera,avatar,Eliminar,las,manchas,de,la,piel,Tash,vphotography,studios,x,pix,Wallpaper,redhead,,long,hair,l,Hattie,Watson_main,winged,cateye,eyeliner,Hyperpigmentation,Norwegian,big,eyes,wpixel,,more,than,beauty,,women,,wrocaw,,LUCA,MENEGHEL,Photography,kissed,fire,Beauty,Gabriel,Ory,Girl,,Photography,,Portrait,,fresh,Northern,European,auburn,Photographer,Manuel,Pandalis,frecklehairs-lindsay-adler-photography-EEA_,Napozz,vatosan,napozsi,szablyok,brtpusonkn,ho,made,iconic,HD,Spring,close,lovely,mysterious,B,Photo,People,#model,#red,head,#freckles,#green,Kate,Sykes,Topcagic,The,Most,Inspiring,Young,Haired,Beauties,shot,Kristina,Varaksina,Henk,Deinum,Portfolio,women,redhair,,Wojtek,Polaczkiewicz,Loveful,babes,Marina,Murasheva_Deep,Sea_jpg,von,Freckled,girls,,stories,mature,sex,Retratos,Hair,series,Amber,xpx,KB,#,May,Sbastien,Roignant,Bryan,Dockett,Tutorial,How,to,Make,Stand,Out,Ligh,Alexandra,Pareigis,ClioMakeUp-lentiggini-efelidi-trucco-make-up-prote,Sansa,courtesy,Point,Model,Management,blue-eyes-jpg,To,Get,Natural,Looking,Faux,Glow,When,You,Ar,Makeup,Pale,nude,viewer,,h,Bree-LynnMistolPhotography-,prettiness,Shershunova,Alexey,Tyurin,Girls,Desktop,liaekaiteudo,Of,Month,Pho,Frederika,Urbanization,ginger,naked,can,n,face,model,*,*photo,preview,We,Are,Swedish,Captured,bricks,hai,Emily,Taaffe,Fabric,Magazine-jpg,pexelscom,Katy_BrickLane-jpg,Ksenia,Kibkalo,Na,twarzy,piegi,,serce,pokryte,bruzdami,Nieideal,depth,field,,Women,Eyes,At,Viewer,submissivelg,from,fellow,redheadshe,is,beauti,_,Michalina,Mondays,And,Redheads,Rungitom,Causes,Dark,Skin,Pigmentation,opaque-redhead-dreadlocks-nude-suicide-girls-,images,Lentiggini,con,occhi,marroni,Actress,Miranda,Turbitt,photographed,Nick,Walte,Osannda,Hall,Photoshoot,Ha,Un,en,gros,plan,d'une,magnifique,belle,je,beautiful,,beauty,bone,,collarbones,,femme,rousse,aux,taches,ro,Julia,Yarochenko,LennyLW,Mesmerizing,Photos,Doing,What,They,Do,bare,shoulders,f,Prodn,barva,na,vlasy,aneb,kolik,henny,aplikovat,Mathilde,Guennadi,Ivanov-Kuhn,Facial,piercings,Via,#portrait,Rachel,online_JPG,Tertius,Alio-,Lara,Marek,Grohol,Photography-by-Maja-Topcagic-,females,eye,green,loo,SabrinaGuthier_Isabelle_Karlsruhe_web-,Cloe,yannickdesmet,Curls,Contest,Omg,love,the,orange,hues,th,Alyssa,single,gardiner,Fine-Art-Portrait-Fotograf-Bonn-Jennifer-jpg,L*,Lauren,Ftn,also,join,me,models-with-freckles,Sony,World,Awards,Ivana,Pejak,stunning,makeup,Tingere,i,capelli?,Ora,il,rosso,fa,tendenza,,scegl,Mariana,Kriguer,Nude,Sommersprossen,Sind,Schon,Gin,Beispiel,zur,Photoshop,Portrai,Tomas,Haluska,Jennifer_h_fotogen_model_schweiz_,Issues,That,Be,Signs,Serious,Health,Co,redheads,Jessica,Last,jpg,Piercings,#photography,#redhead,Lenka,Regalov,cityflower,Olomouc,frec,photograph,silver,nose,ring,Ginger,pink,lipstick,OCC,lip,tar,Lenn,Kseniya,Feeva,MENEGHAL,PUSSY,freckle,Jessicajpg,-year-old,Catholic,photographe, interstellar,-,Fizicienii,ar,putea,captura,lumina,de,la,captul,g,Black,hole?,,Amazing,facts,,Types,of,black,holes,Supermassive,hole,Black-hole-Interstellar,The,Hole,War,My,Battle,with,Stephen,Hawking,interstellar-black-holejpg,"","""",Gab,""""""""""""""""""""",black_hole_interstellar,,,What,are,in,space,?,BBC,Documentary,Univese,Most,Dang,trou,noir,supermassif,Photo,Gargantua,Beigazoldott,egyik,hres,elmlete,I,buchi,neri,,ma,cosa,sono,davvero?,Terza,parte,Super,primi,risultati,dell'Event,Horizon,Telescope,Monstrous,Of,Billion,Solar,Masses,Ha,ilustrao,artstica,buraco,negro,do,filme,Inte,jabb,,rszletesebb,fot,rkezett,egy,fekete,lyukr,S,sng,c,th,hnh,thnh,xung,quanh,h,en,lnh,super-massive-blackhole,via,lactea,agujero,ovjeanstvo,udruilo,snage,da,se,prvi,put,izravno,interstellar-black-hole,"""""""",three,planets,Un,gran,esfuerzo,global,persigue,primera,imagen,Blackhole,""A,Bowling-Ball-Sized,Relic,from,the,Viviamo,un,buco,nero?,ltimo,artigo,sobre,buracos,neg,A,strange,eyes,astronomers,Chn,dung,qui,vt,v,tr,n,Mt,Tri,mi,ngy,rceni,Ondas,gravitacionales,-captan-,-agujero,Interstellar,Astronomers,Are,One,Step,Closer,To,Figuring,Out,Ho,blackhole,Sugesto,podcast,para,entender,os,negr,hubble,telescope,images,photo,Bild,En,fullt,utvecklas,warpbubbla,Bubblan,fun,Hi,kh,Tc,ca,nh,l,m,s,,t,Kara,delik,hakknda,bilgilendiren,ok,etkileyici,Gi,nhng,thc,cht,vng,khng,gia,atau,lubang,hitam,""El,central,nuestra,galaxia,ti,shock,find,'strange',objec,NASA'dan,dev,bulu,deliklerden,kurtulabilen,Fakta,Seru,dari,Foto,Pertama,Lubang,Hitam,Supermas,image,Comparison,YouTube,Gaur,neagr,Space,telescopes,spot,light,'echoing',behind,Light,a,hole?,Einstein,was,right,after,Can,we,solve,information,paradox,wi,l'avait,prdit,une,toile,danse,rosa,cn,fekete-lyuk,Gizemleriyle,hepimizi,byleyen,,evrendeki,gl,oldest,,most,distant,quasar,and,b,Holes,NASA,fastest,growing,-J-,new,theorem,predicts,that,stationary,Es,posible,que,una,nave,cruce,intacta,Loop,Quantum,Gravity,Theory,Offers,Glimpse,Beyond,Sputnik,'Star-eating',gives,experts,insight,typ_blackholejpg,GkBilimciler,Delii,Buldu,In,Universe,An,Analysis,Three,Orbiting,Break,Significant,Phy,radiation,sonic,had,its,Representacin,con,disco,ac,Intestellar,Diytattooimages,Hole,,Unicorn,Que,es,negro?,As,lo,explica,How,Building,for,Led,to,s,tht,hp,dn,Qu'est,ce,qu'un,agujeros,negros,Viden,,ahogy,kt,lyuk,egymssal,tncol,If,have,'hair',it,could,challenge,Eins,Con,ngi,i,khc,qua,su,terms,Escape,Velocity,Le,et,son,disque,d'accrtion,d,Blackhole-lead,Buraco,criado,em,laboratrio,mostra,Gravitational,Lensing,Shadow,real,artist's,impression,rotating,""Horyzont,zdarze,ang,Event,otaczajc,Ar,galtume,igauti,energij,juodosios,skyls?,Space-Black-Hole-x,supermassive-black-hole-aimed-at-earth,MTU,will,earth,be,sucked,into,est,dessin,par,artiste,Samanyolu'ndaki,byk,kara,bulundu,Gaura,care,ajut,stele,creasc,,loc,Pht,hin,hai,va,chm,claggie,Outer,Wallpaper,,Phone,Wallpap,Trovati,neri,giganti,,fino,miliardi,di,""Descubren,tan,grande,""""no,Missing,interpretation,bla,hole,,definition,study,A-Z,index,Cog,Image,result,Potna,supermasywna,czarna,dziura,J,posiada,agujero-negro-hawking,black-hole-,juodoji,skyle,gigantic,dormant,triggers,star,format,has,mass,billion,suns,New,formula,calculating,at,p,Wallpaper,Interesting,Crazy,Stuff,Spinning,agujero-negro,""""""""""""",fuso,VIDO,La,Nasa,dshabille,noir,,c'est,simulated,""Oto,najszybciej,powikszajca,si,znana,nam,cza,Resultado,imagem,fictional,Miller's,planet,orbiting,Alimlr,milyard,il,nc,iki,qara,dliyin,birlm,Gne'ten,bin,kat,Bilim,insanlarndan,Horizons,Supermasvna,ierna,diera,Cientfico,descubre,otro,mecanismo,formacin,deep,engine,LIGO-VIRGO,detektorok,rejtlyes,objektumot,tall,LB-,Gigantisk,sort,hul,Mlkevejen,EHT,blackhole-_jpeg,Digital,Painting,Stock,Illustration,D,Related,Hologram,essays,is,Einstein,,Genel,Grelilik,Teorisi,Simulator,Torrent,Download,removal,Bir,Astrofiziki,,Zaman,Makinesi,Yapmann,Yolunu,B,deliin,ilk,fotoraf,ortaya,kyor,Tar,Planets,around,Calculations,show,pos,bt,trong,thng,Tbb,ezer,hemzseghet,Tejtrendszer,Une,autour,d'un,thorie,Fuente,ESA,ES,Panoramic,degree,Deep,space,,darkness,sta,don't,scared,,it's,just,an
ultra detailed 8k cg, (RAW photo, best quality), (realistic, photo-realistic:1.3), masterpiece, extremely delicate and beautiful, extremely detailed, Amazing, finely detail, ultra-detailed, highres, absurdres, 1girl, (goddess, beautiful face:1.2), intricate details, blue eyes, small mouth, pale skin, (snow white:1.2), soft light, best illumination, High contrast, (light smile:0.9), happy, large breasts, cleavage, slim body, makeup, red lips, manicure, stretch, (no bra, no panties:1.1), (winter, snowing:1.1), (halter transparent see-through dress:1.2), (detailed snowing on body:1.3), (dusk:1.4), (Put the index fingers of both hands on the cheeks to make a cute pose:1.3), cloudy, asymmetrical hair, medium hair, frozen river, standing under snow-covered roofs, upper thighs,
a photography of a battleground with 1 stunningly gorgeous 20 years old woman from the army holding a riffle standing face of the camera, front picture, braids on 1 side, messy hair photorealistic, (full body in the picture:1.2), panorama, landscape, photography, best quality, intricate details, perfect detailed face, yellow field background, very serious face, very sad face, very dark sky with blinding sunny ray, woman face illuminated by sunny ray, dark clouds, field full of corpses in the background, (long hair:1.1), (blond hair:1.3), stunning blue eyes, sharp eyes, (modern military clothes:1.2), (camo clothes:1.2), military cap, (fully dressed:1.2), (riffle in hands:1.2), (stains of dirt and blood on her body and face:1.2), gloomy, analog style, (blue and yellow flag wrapped around 1 of her shoulder:1.1), epic, dramatic, ukraine
External Generator

30 year old Emma Watson as Hermione Granger wearing a santa suit and santa hat in Harry Potter, high heels, bushy brown hair and brown eyes, long hair, harry potter movies style, anime style, (detailed facial features)++,(detailed face)1.2 (freckles)1.1(cute beautiful face)1.3(((full body))), (snowy hogwarts on background)+, (cinematic look)++++, (snow)+, (christmas)+, raw photo, Fujifilm XT3, professional photo, extremely intricate, amazing, best quality, 4k resolution, details, ultra-detailed, natural skin texture, soothing tones, intricate scene, insane details, intricate details, hyperdetailed, low contrast, soft cinematic light, rich vibrant colors, exposure blend, hdr, faded, slate atmosphere, Studio Ghibli, ArtStation, CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, Sharp focus,
Photo of Sean Connery, young, james bond
fashion photography of caucasian woman, solo, wearing intricate fabric long dress, walking on a catwalk, dress is colored in gold and black, cleavage
fashion photography upper body shot of a angry stout young woman wearing glasses, lavender in a lush brown island with flowers and birds, 3d render, cgi, symmetrical, octane render, 35mm, bokeh, 9:16, (intricate details:1.2), hdr, (intricate details, hyperdetailed:1.15), (natural skin texture, hyperrealism, soft light, sharp:1.3), detailed iris,
<lora:zovyasWetHair_v1:0.5> wet hair, (raining), wet clothes
masterpiece, best quality, the joker with a beer in his hand sitting on a chair in a bar,
Anime Artwork,  Daniel Craig as James Bond,  wearing VR helmet,  holding  a gun,  cyberpunk,  art by Masamune Shirow
jasmine  1girl, solo, breasts, smile, open mouth, navel, holding, bare shoulders, jewelry, flower, earrings, midriff, pants, necklace, off shoulder, bracelet, see-through, white flower, gem, off-shoulder shirt, holding flower, multi-tied hair, arabian clothes (realistic:1.2), (realism), (masterpiece:1.2), (best quality), (ultra detailed), (8k, 4k, intricate),(full-body-shot:1), (85mm),light particles, lighting, (highly detailed:1.2),(detailed face:1.2), (gradients), sfw, colorful,(detailed eyes:1.2)(detailed background),detailed landscape, (dynamic angle:1.2), (dynamic pose:1.2), (rule of third_composition:1.3), (Line of action:1.2)
half body portrait photography of a 22 year old Danish blonde secretary, standing in a office, taking notes on a tablet, open cropped pinstripe shirt, cleavage, black micro skirt, nylon pantyhose, ponytail, seductive smile, perfect bright white teeth, perfect thick body, highly detailed skin, professional photography, (8k, RAW photo, best quality, masterpiece), photo-realistic, highly detailed, professional lighting, sharp focus, intricate details, realistic, gorgeous, looking at the viewer
a cute snow white dancing drunken in a bar, pixelart, dreamlike,
(masterpiece:1.3), (best quality:1.2), intricate details, (highly detailed skin:1.2), (Snow White:1.3), (1girl:1.2), large breasts, realistic, highres, beauty photo, tear drop boobs, from above, cool mood, (wearing black colored slingshot:1.3), short hair, (black haircolor:1.3), Hourglass-Petite body shape, fill lighting, fcDetailPortrait, (tilted head:1.4), (sexy pose:1.3), (wet:1.2),
((night Hong-Kong,  streets , intricate background)), (half body is android), (humanoid robot), ScyNet, robot terminator, redhead hair, Masterpiece, best quality ,photography, detailed skin, realistic, photo-realistic, 8k, highly detailed, full length frame, High detail RAW color art, diffused soft lighting, shallow depth of field, sharp focus, hyperrealism, cinematic lighting,
portrait photography, medium shot,front view, A gorgeous (((44-year-old European woman))) with pale skin, brownish hair with short haircut, perfect shape, (busty:0.7), closing her eyes, sleeping soundly on the taxi's back seat at night, serene look. dressed in a (((skintight silver dress, low cut:1.1))), accentuating her curves, accessorizing with (a thin gold pendant necklace:1.1), subtle makeup, long oval face, small thin lips, seductive brown eyes, (large breast, cleavage:1.1),, 8k, professional, masterpiece, (facial clarity:1.3), sharp focus, (perfect composition), (rule of thirds composition), subject positioned off-center, highly detailed, intricate detailed, perfect body anatomy, (-bad hands -unnatural hands -fused fingers -too many fingers), (matching eyes), proportional eyes, (-weird iris -weird pupils), (-cropped head), soft ambience lighting, cinematic, trending on artstation, award winning photography
Woody1024, ((mustache)), sunglasses, (wearing pink aloha shirt), (bare chest) , on beach, farwest, enjoying the sunset, with a bikini girl, busty bikini girl hugging woody1024, duo selfie pose,
next to each other, detailed eyes, highly detailed, photography, ultra sharp, film, bokeh, professional, 4k
 cinderellaodd, sword, holding weapon, holding sword, cybersuit, cyberpunk,cowboy shot, looking at viewer,   glasstech, transparent, scifi, iridescent, gold wires,, (masterpiece, best quality,highres, perfect hands), masterpiece,best quality,ultra-detailed,very detailed illustrations,extremely detailed,intricate details,highres,super complex details,extremely detailed 8k cg wallpaper
Drawing of young Sean Connery as James Bond by Robert McGinnis
A frightened little girl, resembling a titanium terminator, is seen in a close-up shot. Her circular saw arm glows blue as she polishes her intricate features. The HDR lighting enhances her aesthetic presence, while her glowing blue pupils add to her scared expression. Despite her fearsome appearance, she remains cute and captivating.Ancient City of Tlos, (hyper intricate detailed:1.3), wide shot, a robot whose left arm is circular saw, (scared:1.4), (highres:1.2), standing, (delicate illustration:1.3), aesthetic, , science fiction, terminator 3, terminator \(series\), T-X, circular saw, T-X(terminator), (chibi:1.5), endoskeleton, (glowing armor:1.4), android, best illumination, dramatic shadow, HDR, cybernetic, glowing blue, (an extremely delicate and beautiful face), 8k resolution, ultra sharp focus, liquid metal, extremely detailed CG, realistic, very delicate light, floating, (🤖:1.4), depth of field, robotic reveal, photoillustration, no humans, (perfect body, perfect face, perfect_eyes:1.2), titanium, distinct image, incredibly absurdres, (robot ears:1.4), 1girl, (robotic:1.4), robot girl, chrome metal, (shiny skin:1.4), (silver face:1.2), (glowing pupils:1.3), blue pupils, (young face:1.3),seemly, jumbo/photography/camera_models/nikon, (robot joints:1.3), titanium, no humans, an extremely delicate mechanical body, ((masterpiece:1.1)), airbrush, finely detailed eyes and detailed face, polishing, robotic limb, official art, 1.33:1 aspect ratio, detail description of robot,
(masterpiece), a Gameboy on a pedestal as an old relic, detailed background of a old temple, dark , dim light, realistic, Indiana Jones movie ambiance,
girl with blackhair, brown eyes, black cleopatra eyeliner, pink lips, wearing teasing, wearing yellow detailed short dress , hawai outdoor sun, posing,cute ass  sexy, sexy face , perfect face, perfect body, ultra-detailed face, ultra-detailed eyes, looking at viewver,   smile
jasmine 1girl, solo,(very thick thighs:1.4)(big visible breasts:1.3), (visible nipples:1.3)(naked:1.3),open mouth, navel, holding, bare shoulders, brown eyes, jewelry, very long hair, flower, earrings, midriff, necklace, off shoulder, bracelet, pants, see-through, white flower, gem, off-shoulder shirt, holding dildo, multi-tied hair, arabian turqoise clothes high detailed skin:1.2) BREAK (a man in the background:1.4) BREAK 8k uhd, dslr, soft lighting, high quality, film grain BREAK  (japanese speech bubble), , 1boy, imminent penetration, lying, on back, spread legs, pov, leg grab
high detailed professional dark and moody macro-photo of dried flowers out from a black page from an old book, botanical illustration, grainy, intricate plant details, with vibrant colors, bold colors, atmospheric fog. 35mm photograph, film, bokeh, professional, 4k, highly detailed, skin detail realistic, ultra realistic, macro photography, close-up, hyper detailed, trending on artstation, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed, by greg rutkowski
@Aila running down a path wearing a blue silk dress with a golden crown and holding a silver sword with diamonds encrusted into it @Aila running down a path wearing a blue silk dress with a golden crown and holding a silver sword with diamonds encrusted into it
full body portrait photography of a thick 22 year old Scandinavian nude model, bright white teeth, makeup, eye shadow, black eyelashes, hourglass body, professional photography, (8k, RAW photo, best quality, masterpiece), photo-realistic, highly detailed, professional lighting, sharp focus, intricate details, realistic, gorgeous, looking at the viewer,
huge breasts,
high leg bikini,
red latex bikini, 
sexy standing,
gray background,
(masterpiece:1.2), urban street photography, facing the viewer, a girl store owner in the middle low portion of the photo, she has an eerily pale face with eyeglasses working on a desk, a girl who fixes stuffs, thousands of merchandise behind her hanging on the wall, in the style of junji ito and takato yamamoto, cold color theme, film grain, depth of field
(masterpiece, best quality, detailed), 1girl, solo, looking at viewer, dohna dohna, , rio tsukatsuki, halo, very long hair, hair ornament, fedora, brown headwear, brown pants, black belt, cowboy hat, brown jacket, leather jacket, indiana jones, white shirt, satchel, indoors, alcohol, bar \(place\), counter, table, stool, chandelier, leaning forward, looking back, from behind, ass
ultra detailed 8k cg, (RAW photo, best quality), (realistic, photo-realistic:1.3), masterpiece, extremely delicate and beautiful, extremely detailed, Amazing, finely detail, ultra-detailed, highres, absurdres, 1girl, (goddess, beautiful face:1.2), intricate details, blue eyes, small mouth, pale skin, (snow white:1.2), soft light, best illumination, High contrast, (light smile:0.9), happy, large breasts, cleavage, slim body, makeup, red lips, manicure, stretch, (no bra, no panties:1.4), (winter, snowing:1.1), halter translucent dress, (detailed snowing on body:1.3), (dusk:1.4), (Put the index fingers of both hands on the cheeks to make a cute pose), cloudy, asymmetrical hair, medium hair, frozen river, snow-covered roofs, upper thighs,
(masterpiece, best quality, detailed), 1girl, solo, looking at viewer, aanejire, hair horns, drill hair, long hair, large breasts,
fedora, brown headwear, brown pants, black belt, cowboy hat, brown jacket, leather jacket, indiana jones, white shirt, satchel, indoors, alcohol, bar \(place\), counter, table, stool, chandelier, dutch angle, sitting, from side, smile, parted lips, smirk
super vista, super wide Angle goldfish1girl a girl riding on a large goldfish, <lora:~Q?-Y'| goldfish:0.8>
super vista, super wide Angle goldfish1girl a girl riding on a large goldfish, <lora:~Q?-Y'| goldfish:0.8>
super vista, super wide Angle goldfish1girl a girl riding on a large goldfish, <lora:~Q?-Y'| goldfish:0.8>
super vista, super wide Angle goldfish1girl a girl riding on a large goldfish, <lora:~Q?-Y'| goldfish:0.8>
masterpiece, best quality, the joker with a beer in his hand sitting on a chair in a bar,
masterpiece, 1girl, best quality, viral instagram, majestic photoshoot of Madison Beer as Pocahontas, ultra realistic,32k, young beautiful native american woman, (perfect symmetrical face), feather jewelry, traditional handmade dress, armed female hunter warrior, (((wild west environment))), Utah landscape,  elegant, ((intricate)), ((highly detailed)), depth of field, (((body turned towards camera))), ((professionally color graded)), bokeh blur, ((standing))
jasmine 1girl, dark skin, solo,(very thick thighs:1.4)(big visible breasts:1.3), (visible nipples:1.3)(naked:1.3),open mouth, navel, holding, bare shoulders, brown eyes, jewelry, very long hair, flower, earrings, midriff, necklace, off shoulder, bracelet, pants, see-through, white flower, gem, off-shoulder shirt, holding dildo, multi-tied hair, arabian turqoise clothes high detailed skin:1.2) BREAK (a man in the background:1.4) BREAK 8k uhd, dslr, soft lighting, high quality, film grain BREAK  (japanese speech bubble), , sidedoggystyle, 1boy, ass, doggystyle, sex
masterpiece medium full body portrait of Sophia Loren as Cleopatra, 26 years old, extremely beautiful, adult, female, feminine, smiling, perfect lighting, bloom, cinematic lighting, cyberpunk style, ((detailed background of cyberpunk city)), sharp details, intricate details, highly detailed background, UHD, blue neon glowing, sophisticated cyberpunk city, neon effect, UHD, digital painting, 64k, hyper-realistic, neonpunk, vibes, vibrant, stunningly beautiful, crisp, detailed, sleek, ultramodern, magenta
photo of the joker sitting at the counter in a bar, evil smile, mystic
egyptpunkai old, gold and lapis lazuli,
Isis Healing Temple: Alabaster pools, lotus candles, priestesses with winged staffs | Sekhmet Guard Barracks: Lion-headed shields, chariots, soldiers in sun-disc armor | Nefertiti's Fashion Market: Linen garments, gemstone jewelry, hieroglyphic tattoos | Tomb Parties: Musicians with lyres, hieroglyphic murals, food offerings on golden plates | Bastet Cat Haven: Wicker baskets, wooden toys, priests feeding sacred cats | Ptah Craftsman’s Alley: Stone sculpting, copper tools, wooden obelisks | Ma'at Justice Hall: Papyrus scrolls, large scales, judges in feathered robes | Nut Observatory: Stone telescopes, celestial maps, astronomers in moonlit gowns | Sobek's Clean Waters: Crocodile guards, mechanical shadoofs, waterwheels | Imhotep Hospital: Herb cabinets, surgical bronze instruments, priest-doctors | Anubis Funeral Services: Embalming tables, canopic jars, priests in jackal masks | Amun-Ra Solar Games: Sundial timers, board games with divine tokens, chariot races | Akhenaten’s Art Studio: Sun-disk sculptures, clay tablets, chisels and mallets | Khufu's Shipyard: Wooden boats, ropes, hieroglyph-laden sails | Mut Maternity House: Herbal teas, birthing stools, protective amulets | Taweret Childcare: Clay toys, caring nurses, talismans against evil spirits | Horus Falconry: Bird cages, leather hoods, trained falcons for hunting | Hapi Grain Mills: Donkeys turning stone wheels, granaries, scribes noting harvests | Set's Chaos Tavern: Varied brews, chaotic seating, storytelling bards | Seshat’s Library: Papyrus scrolls, wooden shelves, ink and quill stations | Hathor Music Lounge: Sistrums, harps, dancers in cow horn crowns | Osiris Resurrection Clinic: Rejuvenation pools, ankh staffs, holy oils | Thoth Wisdom School: Ink palettes, lecturing scholars, scroll manuscripts | Neith’s Weaving House: Spindles, colorful threads, textile art of gods | Ra's Sun Chariot Garage: Golden chariots, solar motifs, sunstone wheels | Khepri Beetle Farm: Scarab enclosures, dung balls, talismans for transformation | Cleopatra's Bathhouse: Rose petals, milk baths, gold and lapis tiles | Giza Power Plant: Obelisk generators, crystal conductors, hieroglyphic circuitry | Nile Fish Market: Netted fish, papyrus listings, wicker baskets | Geb’s Plant Nursery: Potted plants, hieroglyphic plant tags, earth deity murals
(amazing, Impressive lighting, vibrant colors,  trending on artstation,  detailed background:1.1)
nsfw, nude, breasts out, nipples, Best quality, masterpiece, ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), black and white photography, street photography, trending on flickr, 1girl, offshoulder, in the dark, deep shadow, low key, cold light, deep contrast, bokeh, depth of field, (looking at viewer, softly smiling), a photo of a inside a subway car holding her cellphone, wall full of grafittis, Drew Tucker, award-winning photograph, a black and white photo, neoism, background crowds, people in backgrounds, ((upper body)), ((straight photo)),
portrait photography, medium shot, A gorgeous (((42-year-old European woman))) with pale skin, caramel hair with short haircut, ((perfect shape body with extra large breast)), sleeping peacefully on her bed in the luxurious vintage classic style bedroom at night, very calm and serene look. dressed in a (((lace short nightie, deep cleavage))), accentuating her curves, accessorizing with (a thin gold pendant necklace), subtle makeup, long oval face, small thin lips, seductive brown eyes, 8k, professional, masterpiece, (facial clarity:1.3), sharp focus, (perfect composition), (rule of thirds composition), subject positioned off-center, highly detailed, intricate detailed, perfect body anatomy, (-bad hands -unnatural hands -fused fingers -too many fingers), (matching eyes), proportional eyes, (-weird iris -weird pupils), (-cropped head), highly detailed, intricate detailed, soft ambience lighting, dim lit, cinematic, trending on artstation, award winning photography
cyberpunk style, (SFW:1.331), solo, 1man, android Captain Jack Sparrow with (mechanical arms:1.331), (gothic makeup:1.1), wires and cables are connect to body, worked as a Bartender in the high-tech moden nightcity bar, neon bar sign, wall of wine bottles, hangged wine glasses,
indoors, high-tech cyberpunk style bar background,
(unreal engine), ray tracing, dynamic light, godrays, reflections, fish-eye view, from above angle, 
hyper detailed, high quality, , neon, dystopian, futuristic, digital, vibrant, detailed, high contrast, reminiscent of cyberpunk genre
girl jortega wears lara croft costume, small breasts, single braid, Forest, (masterpiece, best quality:1.4),(absurdres, highres, ultra detailed:1.2),UHD, 8k, photo
(((a cartoon of a woman in a kitchen, muscular sweat lara croft, sweaty meat, sweaty, sweating hard, very sweaty, sweating, ahegao, ecchi anime style, sweat, wet t-shirt, big drops of sweat, extremely detailed giantess shot, anya from spy x family, in pokemon comic, pearls of sweat, wearing a tank top and shorts
    , , 1girl, kawai, k-pop star, random poses,(((nudes:1.2))), (( ifbb fitness body, feminine and muscular,ripped, fit physique,muscular, muscular female, thick thighs, thighs, muscular girl)),
masterpiece, best quality, realistic, the terminator wearing a sunglasses, holding a shotgun at a cyberpunk night city, BREAK vector art, pop art, 2D, deformation
External Generator

30 year old Emma Watson as Hermione Granger wearing a santa suit and santa hat in Harry Potter, high heels, bushy brown hair and brown eyes, long hair, harry potter movies style, anime style, (detailed facial features)++,(detailed face)1.2 (freckles)1.1(cute beautiful face)1.3(((full body))), (snowy hogwarts on background)+, (cinematic look)++++, (snow)+, (christmas)+, raw photo, Fujifilm XT3, professional photo, extremely intricate, amazing, best quality, 4k resolution, details, ultra-detailed, natural skin texture, soothing tones, intricate scene, insane details, intricate details, hyperdetailed, low contrast, soft cinematic light, rich vibrant colors, exposure blend, hdr, faded, slate atmosphere, Studio Ghibli, ArtStation, CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, Sharp focus,
Earth from Above, sun rise from space earth \(planet\), post-apocalypse of looking at viewer, (EPIC:1.2) atmosphere, beautiful crazy view from a astronaut nsfw, indoor, escaping from inside a spacecraft, BREAK ,science fiction, futuristic, end of world, Photorealistic, Best quality, Highly Detailed skin, Intricate detail, 8k, HDR, Cinematic lighting, Sharp focus, High quality, Masterpiece, Highly detailed, Raw photo, Realistic, Cinematic, Dramatic lighting, Close-up, High resolution, Dark atmosphere, Cinestill, 8K resolution, Film stock photograph, Rich colors, Award-winning, Depth of field, Hyperrealism,  Ultra high res, Black and white photography, Street photography, Trending on Flickr, 1girl, Offshoulder, In the dark, Deep shadow, Low key, Cold light, Deep contrast, Bokeh, Looking at viewer, Softly smiling, Award-winning photograph, A black and white photo, Background crowds, People in backgrounds, Upper body, Straight photo, Closeup, Look at the camera, No makeup, Focus face, Dark fantasy, Dungeon, Stone walls, Torch, Darkness, Full Frame, 35 mm, Cinema shot, Professional portrait photograph, Gorgeous Norwegian girl, Winter clothing, Long wavy blonde hair, Sultry flirty look, Freckles, Cute natural makeup, Elegant warm winter fashion clothing, Standing outside in snowy city street, Wet skin, Backlit, Slate atmosphere, Dimmed colors, Dark shot, Muted colors, Film grainy, LUT, Spooky, 22-year-old girl, Selfie in a car, Blue hoodie, Inside a car, Driving, Lipstick, Soft lighting, Highres, Extremely detailed, Sunlight on face, Beautiful detailed eyes, DSLR, Fujifilm XT3, Ballerina, Cleavage, View from above, Detailed face, Detailed eyes, Clear skin, Clear eyes, LOTR, Fantasy, Elf, Female, Full body, Photo-realistic, Full-length frame, High detail Diffused soft lighting, Shallow depth of field, CyberRealistic, Sexy, Photographed on a Sony a9 II Mirrorless Camera, Nikon D850, Kodak Portra 400, Camera f1.6 lens, Hyperrealistic, Lifelike texture, Perfect complexion, Rich detail, HD quality, Crystal clear, Vibrant colors, Highly accurate,
closeup, young sherlock holmes, victorian london alley, night, rain, puddles
(masterpiece, best quality, highres, realistic, intricate details:1.2), (detailed light:1.2), 3/4 shot, dynamic angle, colorful, (astrophotography, cosmic nebulae, retro sci-fi:1.2), (prismatic, holographic:1.2), (silhouette lighting, side lighting, reflected green light), retro spacecraft interior, glowing instrument panels, shadows on face, 1girl, wearing spacesuit and head gear, circular window behind, reflections on glass, detailed skin, pale skin, (lustrous skin),
painting, hermione granger, adult mature woman, dimly lit library, reading a book, comfy, relaxing tones, quill, desk, bookshelves with colorful books, detailed frizzy brown curly hair, detailed face like supermodel bimbo, concentrating serious expression, detailed body, hourglass figure, hogwarts wizard cloak, skirt, shirt, detailed cloth folds, embroidery on cloth, old dusty foggy foreboding library, dark, cinematic, moody, hdr, vivid colors