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935 Star Wars Sith AI Generated Art

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Film noir style (Realistic:1.3) a close up of a colorful flower with a black background, beautiful art uhd 4 k, colorful explosion, colourful explosion, 8k stunning artwork, color ink explosion, 3d digital art 4k, digital artwork 4 k, digital art 4 k, digital art 4k, an explosion of colors, 8k hd wallpaper digital art, explosion of colors, color explosion, black background, no humans, solo, gradient, simple background, abstract, gradient backgrounda close up of a colorful flower with a black background, beautiful art uhd 4 k, colorful explosion, colourful explosion, 8k stunning artwork, color ink explosion, 3d digital art 4k, digital artwork 4 k, digital art 4 k, digital art 4k, an explosion of colors, 8k hd wallpaper digital art, explosion of colors, color explosion, black background, no humans, solo, gradient, simple background, abstract, gradient background a woman sitting at a bar with her eyes closed, mid-shot portrait of a beautiful, portrait soft low light, sitting alone at a bar, shot at dark with studio lights, posing in dramatic lighting, sitting at a bar, dramatic serious pose, standing in a dimly lit room, an elegant woman in black dress, realistic face moody lighting a person riding a hot air balloon in the sky, amazing food illustration, as an air balloon, surreal object photography, lettuce, hot air balloon, inspired by Chris LaBrooy, detailed conceptual photography, creative photo manipulation, surreal art, surreal!!!, photo manipulation, food advertisement, surreal illustration, floating island in the sky, surreal design, surreal photography cinematic lighting,  ,(Magenta hue:1.3) . Monochrome, high contrast, dramatic shadows, 1940s style, mysterious, cinematic
Laura,by,Leo,Litvac,Stephanie,Shoot,Gleam,DinaDayMakeup,Portrait,of,a,beautiful,young,red-haired,woman,Fe,freckled,Cheerful,girl,redhead,tall,freckles,foxy,girls,Close,up,portrait,g,Giorgia,Madeline,Ford,A,piece,fine,art,photography,titled,Soul,Mi,Katia,Sergey,Martynov,girl,,portrait,,ginger,,freckles,,green,,eye,,colo,Chrissie,Best,Portraits,&,Conceptual,Collection,Part,IV,blue,eyes,,deviantart,,and,image,Girl,Freckles,Face,Close-Up,David,J,Crewe,Portrait-,und,Beauty-Retusche,px,Image,result,for,touch,ice,ebook,Beautiful,fr,Lily,Cole,gallery,'Freckled',Maja,Topagi,-,Photograph,sss,nastia,vesna,on,femininity,WPixel,More,Than,Beaty,Justyna,Wi,,,lips,,natural,,face,,freckl,_marianna_m_fotogen_model_switzerland,the-perks-of-being-gina,Her,though,Stefan,Kothner,Photographer-,Untitled,Alla,Pisareva,Naked,Striking,Redhead,Teen,Dramatic,Female,Alessio,Albi,bad,blood,cristina-otero,a_-year-old_red-haired_catholic_girl_photographe,cabelos-tingidos-dicas,freckles-lindsay-adler-photography-EEA_origin,Lena,Dunaeva,pxcom,Red,Hair,,Blue,Eyes,,Portraitfotos,mit,redhair,in,casual,closes,Kumarov,Amkote,Michael,red,haired,with,looking,at,camera,avatar,Eliminar,las,manchas,de,la,piel,Tash,vphotography,studios,x,pix,Wallpaper,redhead,,long,hair,l,Hattie,Watson_main,winged,cateye,eyeliner,Hyperpigmentation,Norwegian,big,eyes,wpixel,,more,than,beauty,,women,,wrocaw,,LUCA,MENEGHEL,Photography,kissed,fire,Beauty,Gabriel,Ory,Girl,,Photography,,Portrait,,fresh,Northern,European,auburn,Photographer,Manuel,Pandalis,frecklehairs-lindsay-adler-photography-EEA_,Napozz,vatosan,napozsi,szablyok,brtpusonkn,ho,made,iconic,HD,Spring,close,lovely,mysterious,B,Photo,People,#model,#red,head,#freckles,#green,Kate,Sykes,Topcagic,The,Most,Inspiring,Young,Haired,Beauties,shot,Kristina,Varaksina,Henk,Deinum,Portfolio,women,redhair,,Wojtek,Polaczkiewicz,Loveful,babes,Marina,Murasheva_Deep,Sea_jpg,von,Freckled,girls,,stories,mature,sex,Retratos,Hair,series,Amber,xpx,KB,#,May,Sbastien,Roignant,Bryan,Dockett,Tutorial,How,to,Make,Stand,Out,Ligh,Alexandra,Pareigis,ClioMakeUp-lentiggini-efelidi-trucco-make-up-prote,Sansa,courtesy,Point,Model,Management,blue-eyes-jpg,To,Get,Natural,Looking,Faux,Glow,When,You,Ar,Makeup,Pale,nude,viewer,,h,Bree-LynnMistolPhotography-,prettiness,Shershunova,Alexey,Tyurin,Girls,Desktop,liaekaiteudo,Of,Month,Pho,Frederika,Urbanization,ginger,naked,can,n,face,model,*,*photo,preview,We,Are,Swedish,Captured,bricks,hai,Emily,Taaffe,Fabric,Magazine-jpg,pexelscom,Katy_BrickLane-jpg,Ksenia,Kibkalo,Na,twarzy,piegi,,serce,pokryte,bruzdami,Nieideal,depth,field,,Women,Eyes,At,Viewer,submissivelg,from,fellow,redheadshe,is,beauti,_,Michalina,Mondays,And,Redheads,Rungitom,Causes,Dark,Skin,Pigmentation,opaque-redhead-dreadlocks-nude-suicide-girls-,images,Lentiggini,con,occhi,marroni,Actress,Miranda,Turbitt,photographed,Nick,Walte,Osannda,Hall,Photoshoot,Ha,Un,en,gros,plan,d'une,magnifique,belle,je,beautiful,,beauty,bone,,collarbones,,femme,rousse,aux,taches,ro,Julia,Yarochenko,LennyLW,Mesmerizing,Photos,Doing,What,They,Do,bare,shoulders,f,Prodn,barva,na,vlasy,aneb,kolik,henny,aplikovat,Mathilde,Guennadi,Ivanov-Kuhn,Facial,piercings,Via,#portrait,Rachel,online_JPG,Tertius,Alio-,Lara,Marek,Grohol,Photography-by-Maja-Topcagic-,females,eye,green,loo,SabrinaGuthier_Isabelle_Karlsruhe_web-,Cloe,yannickdesmet,Curls,Contest,Omg,love,the,orange,hues,th,Alyssa,single,gardiner,Fine-Art-Portrait-Fotograf-Bonn-Jennifer-jpg,L*,Lauren,Ftn,also,join,me,models-with-freckles,Sony,World,Awards,Ivana,Pejak,stunning,makeup,Tingere,i,capelli?,Ora,il,rosso,fa,tendenza,,scegl,Mariana,Kriguer,Nude,Sommersprossen,Sind,Schon,Gin,Beispiel,zur,Photoshop,Portrai,Tomas,Haluska,Jennifer_h_fotogen_model_schweiz_,Issues,That,Be,Signs,Serious,Health,Co,redheads,Jessica,Last,jpg,Piercings,#photography,#redhead,Lenka,Regalov,cityflower,Olomouc,frec,photograph,silver,nose,ring,Ginger,pink,lipstick,OCC,lip,tar,Lenn,Kseniya,Feeva,MENEGHAL,PUSSY,freckle,Jessicajpg,-year-old,Catholic,photographe, interstellar,-,Fizicienii,ar,putea,captura,lumina,de,la,captul,g,Black,hole?,,Amazing,facts,,Types,of,black,holes,Supermassive,hole,Black-hole-Interstellar,The,Hole,War,My,Battle,with,Stephen,Hawking,interstellar-black-holejpg,"","""",Gab,""""""""""""""""""""",black_hole_interstellar,,,What,are,in,space,?,BBC,Documentary,Univese,Most,Dang,trou,noir,supermassif,Photo,Gargantua,Beigazoldott,egyik,hres,elmlete,I,buchi,neri,,ma,cosa,sono,davvero?,Terza,parte,Super,primi,risultati,dell'Event,Horizon,Telescope,Monstrous,Of,Billion,Solar,Masses,Ha,ilustrao,artstica,buraco,negro,do,filme,Inte,jabb,,rszletesebb,fot,rkezett,egy,fekete,lyukr,S,sng,c,th,hnh,thnh,xung,quanh,h,en,lnh,super-massive-blackhole,via,lactea,agujero,ovjeanstvo,udruilo,snage,da,se,prvi,put,izravno,interstellar-black-hole,"""""""",three,planets,Un,gran,esfuerzo,global,persigue,primera,imagen,Blackhole,""A,Bowling-Ball-Sized,Relic,from,the,Viviamo,un,buco,nero?,ltimo,artigo,sobre,buracos,neg,A,strange,eyes,astronomers,Chn,dung,qui,vt,v,tr,n,Mt,Tri,mi,ngy,rceni,Ondas,gravitacionales,-captan-,-agujero,Interstellar,Astronomers,Are,One,Step,Closer,To,Figuring,Out,Ho,blackhole,Sugesto,podcast,para,entender,os,negr,hubble,telescope,images,photo,Bild,En,fullt,utvecklas,warpbubbla,Bubblan,fun,Hi,kh,Tc,ca,nh,l,m,s,,t,Kara,delik,hakknda,bilgilendiren,ok,etkileyici,Gi,nhng,thc,cht,vng,khng,gia,atau,lubang,hitam,""El,central,nuestra,galaxia,ti,shock,find,'strange',objec,NASA'dan,dev,bulu,deliklerden,kurtulabilen,Fakta,Seru,dari,Foto,Pertama,Lubang,Hitam,Supermas,image,Comparison,YouTube,Gaur,neagr,Space,telescopes,spot,light,'echoing',behind,Light,a,hole?,Einstein,was,right,after,Can,we,solve,information,paradox,wi,l'avait,prdit,une,toile,danse,rosa,cn,fekete-lyuk,Gizemleriyle,hepimizi,byleyen,,evrendeki,gl,oldest,,most,distant,quasar,and,b,Holes,NASA,fastest,growing,-J-,new,theorem,predicts,that,stationary,Es,posible,que,una,nave,cruce,intacta,Loop,Quantum,Gravity,Theory,Offers,Glimpse,Beyond,Sputnik,'Star-eating',gives,experts,insight,typ_blackholejpg,GkBilimciler,Delii,Buldu,In,Universe,An,Analysis,Three,Orbiting,Break,Significant,Phy,radiation,sonic,had,its,Representacin,con,disco,ac,Intestellar,Diytattooimages,Hole,,Unicorn,Que,es,negro?,As,lo,explica,How,Building,for,Led,to,s,tht,hp,dn,Qu'est,ce,qu'un,agujeros,negros,Viden,,ahogy,kt,lyuk,egymssal,tncol,If,have,'hair',it,could,challenge,Eins,Con,ngi,i,khc,qua,su,terms,Escape,Velocity,Le,et,son,disque,d'accrtion,d,Blackhole-lead,Buraco,criado,em,laboratrio,mostra,Gravitational,Lensing,Shadow,real,artist's,impression,rotating,""Horyzont,zdarze,ang,Event,otaczajc,Ar,galtume,igauti,energij,juodosios,skyls?,Space-Black-Hole-x,supermassive-black-hole-aimed-at-earth,MTU,will,earth,be,sucked,into,est,dessin,par,artiste,Samanyolu'ndaki,byk,kara,bulundu,Gaura,care,ajut,stele,creasc,,loc,Pht,hin,hai,va,chm,claggie,Outer,Wallpaper,,Phone,Wallpap,Trovati,neri,giganti,,fino,miliardi,di,""Descubren,tan,grande,""""no,Missing,interpretation,bla,hole,,definition,study,A-Z,index,Cog,Image,result,Potna,supermasywna,czarna,dziura,J,posiada,agujero-negro-hawking,black-hole-,juodoji,skyle,gigantic,dormant,triggers,star,format,has,mass,billion,suns,New,formula,calculating,at,p,Wallpaper,Interesting,Crazy,Stuff,Spinning,agujero-negro,""""""""""""",fuso,VIDO,La,Nasa,dshabille,noir,,c'est,simulated,""Oto,najszybciej,powikszajca,si,znana,nam,cza,Resultado,imagem,fictional,Miller's,planet,orbiting,Alimlr,milyard,il,nc,iki,qara,dliyin,birlm,Gne'ten,bin,kat,Bilim,insanlarndan,Horizons,Supermasvna,ierna,diera,Cientfico,descubre,otro,mecanismo,formacin,deep,engine,LIGO-VIRGO,detektorok,rejtlyes,objektumot,tall,LB-,Gigantisk,sort,hul,Mlkevejen,EHT,blackhole-_jpeg,Digital,Painting,Stock,Illustration,D,Related,Hologram,essays,is,Einstein,,Genel,Grelilik,Teorisi,Simulator,Torrent,Download,removal,Bir,Astrofiziki,,Zaman,Makinesi,Yapmann,Yolunu,B,deliin,ilk,fotoraf,ortaya,kyor,Tar,Planets,around,Calculations,show,pos,bt,trong,thng,Tbb,ezer,hemzseghet,Tejtrendszer,Une,autour,d'un,thorie,Fuente,ESA,ES,Panoramic,degree,Deep,space,,darkness,sta,don't,scared,,it's,just,an
masterpiece, best quality, anime illustration, highly detailed, 2d, nice hands, (cleopatra_\(fate)\:1.3), fgocleo, (cleomain:1.2), long sleeves, short shorts, brown pantyhose, egpytian style bar, 1girl, long hair, blunt bangs, bangs, green eyes, very long hair, green hair, hairband, jewelry, earrings, hoop earrings, breasts, medium breasts, smug, hands on own hips,
Johnny Depp, Intense @JohnnyDepp, chiseled features, dark wavy hair, enveloped in an extravagant faux fur coat with varied brown tones, a stark contrast to the cool, bluish hue of the minimalist background, focused, studio-quality lighting accentuates the luxurious texture of the fur and the sharpness of the model's facial structure, the overall composition alluding to high fashion and opulence.Johnny Depp, Intense @JohnnyDepp, chiseled features, dark wavy hair, enveloped in an extravagant faux fur coat with varied brown tones, a stark contrast to the cool, bluish hue of the minimalist background, focused, studio-quality lighting accentuates the luxurious texture of the fur and the sharpness of the model's facial structure, the overall composition alluding to high fashion and opulence.Johnny Depp, Intense @JohnnyDepp, chiseled features, dark wavy hair, enveloped in an extravagant faux fur coat with varied brown tones, a stark contrast to the cool, bluish hue of the minimalist background, focused, studio-quality lighting accentuates the luxurious texture of the fur and the sharpness of the model's facial structure, the overall composition alluding to high fashion and opulence.
(("HAIRY PURTER" (text logo:1.8)) Text color gold) , (cats), (screensaver for the movie "Harry Potter", (((cat wizard casting magic at viewer), round spectacles, z scar on forehead, gryffindor uniform), steamy cauldron)) predominant red and gold and burgundy color, hyper-detailed, hyper-realism, sharp shot, cinematic, background action-packed,  ,
(masterpiece:1.2, best quality:1.2, beautiful, high quality, highres:1.1, aesthetic), detailed, extremely detailed, ambient soft lighting, 4K, perfect lighting, perfect face, perfect eyes, 1girl, Rapunzel, breasts, wearing pink colored slingshot, large breasts, cleavage, collarbone, very long hair, blonde haircolor, rounded boobs, looking at viewer, from above, parted lips, brown eyes, sitting, solo, Hourglass-Petite body shape, fill lighting, fcDetailPortrait, sexy pose, wet,
Johnny Depp, Intense @JohnnyDepp, chiseled features, dark wavy hair, enveloped in an extravagant faux fur coat with varied brown tones, a stark contrast to the cool, bluish hue of the minimalist background, focused, studio-quality lighting accentuates the luxurious texture of the fur and the sharpness of the model's facial structure, the overall composition alluding to high fashion and opulence.Johnny Depp, Intense @JohnnyDepp, chiseled features, dark wavy hair, enveloped in an extravagant faux fur coat with varied brown tones, a stark contrast to the cool, bluish hue of the minimalist background, focused, studio-quality lighting accentuates the luxurious texture of the fur and the sharpness of the model's facial structure, the overall composition alluding to high fashion and opulence.Johnny Depp, Intense @JohnnyDepp, chiseled features, dark wavy hair, enveloped in an extravagant faux fur coat with varied brown tones, a stark contrast to the cool, bluish hue of the minimalist background, focused, studio-quality lighting accentuates the luxurious texture of the fur and the sharpness of the model's facial structure, the overall composition alluding to high fashion and opulence.
Tony Stark, in his Iron Man suit, his face is visible (no mask), firing a laser from his glove:3, intensity, full body portrait, UHD, HDR, 32K, intricate details, action background, hyper-detailed, wide angle (24mm), 32k, trending, amazing art, stunning image, award winning photography, cinematic
a portrait photography of a gorgeous young french female, sitting on sofa, brunette hair, wearing white ruffled gown, wrap dress with flat sandals and a sun hat, attractive flirting, looking at viewer, mansion living room background, photography, detailed skin, realistic, photo-realistic, 8k, highly detailed, full length frame, High detail RAW color art, piercing, diffused soft lighting, shallow depth of field, sharp focus, hyperrealism, cinematic lighting
@Laura gangster with long, blonde, braided, golden hair, wearing a black & white hoodie & bandanas. Gold jewelry. Diamond jewelry. Sitting on her throne. She is surrounded by her gangster & crew. They all have guns & weapons & are smoking cigars. The room is dark & filled with smoke. There are stacks of cash on the table in front of them. There are glasses of alcohol and bottles. They are in the streets at the end of an alley. it is midnight. you can barely see anything just from the glow of the street lights and moonlight.@Laura gangster with long, blonde, braided, golden hair, wearing a black & white hoodie & bandanas. Gold jewelry. Diamond jewelry. Sitting on her throne. She is surrounded by her gangster & crew. They all have guns & weapons & are smoking cigars. The room is dark & filled with smoke. There are stacks of cash on the table in front of them. There are glasses of alcohol and bottles. They are in the streets at the end of an alley. it is midnight. you can barely see anything just from the glow of the street lights and moonlight.@Laura gangster with long, blonde, braided, golden hair, wearing a black & white hoodie & bandanas. Gold jewelry. Diamond jewelry. Sitting on her throne. She is surrounded by her gangster & crew. They all have guns & weapons & are smoking cigars. The room is dark & filled with smoke. There are stacks of cash on the table in front of them. There are glasses of alcohol and bottles. They are in the streets at the end of an alley. it is midnight. you can barely see anything just from the glow of the street lights and moonlight.
portrait, (1girl cyborg:1.05) her (face:1.05) made of impossible architecture (architecture:1.3, surreal:1.3) A fantastical architectural marvel, with stairs that lead to nowhere, doors floating in mid-air, and rooms that defy spatial logic, an Escherian creation where the laws of physics are suspended, challenging the viewer's perception of reality.,art by escher and bas bas waijers and tim burton,
1boy, wanostyle, roronoa zoro, angry looking, katana,  (one eye closed),  scar across eye,  solo, upper body, (((masterpiece))), ((best quality)), (extremely detailed), watercolor, illustration, depth of field, sketch, dark intense shadows, sharp focus, soft lighting, hdr, colorful, good composition, purple fire all around, spectacular, green hair,
god of war kratos with iron man costume in futuristic city
tropical theme bar in Miami Beach, short hair, suave MarcusMojo in dressed as James Bond, wearing (white dress shirt), (black bowtie), ((ivory dinner jacket)) buttoned, ((red flower on lapel)), black dress pants, reaching inside jacket, (medium body portrait)
cinematic photo Close-up of ((man)) as Kratos god of war, emerging from black mud, long hair with dreads, war blue paint, paint fading, angry expression, dirty face, finely detailed eyes, moody, viking clothes
mike ermentrout as kratos from god of war
(((Petite))) ((Hermione Granger at Hogwarts))in style of Conrad Roset,l in space, stars hotography byJocelyn Hobbie and Charles Dwyer RAW photograph explosion byJocelyn Hobbie and Charles Dwyer, ,(abstract textured background:1.2), ,(skin texture),masterpiece, top quality, best quality, official art,highest detailed,,atmospheric lighting, cinematic composition,complex multiple subjects, 4k HDRvaporwave style , , cyberpunk, vibrant, neon colors, , highly detailed,,,Leica Q2 with Summilux 35mm f/1.2 ASPH, hanfu,clear face, Ultra High Resolution, wallpaper, 8K,Rich texture details, hyper detailed, detailed eyes, detailed background, dramatic angle, epic composition, SimplepositiveXLv1 (masterpiece, high quality, ), (close-up portrait:1.0), , model photoshoot, , a stylish girl,
(analog photo:1.2),((dynamic pose:1.2),(dynamic camera),(art retouch),fantasy style, On the moon full of White flowers, an young woman with long lace dress, long hair,walking happily on the flowers moon, looking to camera, The background is the space background, and Earth, stars, and other planets can be seen flying ribbons,design, lighting, photography, cute, realistic, ultra realistic, real photography, photorealistic, Photo taken on a Mamiya ARZ67 with Portra 400 film, aperture 4, shutter speed 125  stardust   , concept art,, (natural colors, correct white balance, color correction, dehaze,clarity), (composition centering, conceptual photography)),(midnight hour, high quality, film grain), (natural colors, correct white balance, color correction, dehaze,clarity)
woman, , rapunzel, (very long hair, absurdly long hair:1.3), blonde hair, smile, shy smile, (high heels:1.2), castle, , (edgfd ballgown:1.5), (fantasy dress:1.5), (long dress:1.5), (ballgown with a lot of stars on it:1.5),, (masterpiece, high quality, best quality:1.3), (photorealism:1.3), (dynamic shadows, dynamic lighting:1.2), (natural skin texture:1.5), (natural lips, detailed lips:1.3), (natural shadows, detailed shadows:1.5), (hyperrealism, soft light, sharp), (hdr, hyperdetailed:1), (intricate details:0.8), detailed eyes, detailed hair, detailed skin, 8k, (cinematic look:1.4), insane details, intricate details, hyperdetailed, low contrast, soft cinematic light, exposure blend, hdr, faded, slate gray atmosphere
woman, , rapunzel, (very long hair, absurdly long hair:1.3), blonde hair, smile, shy smile, high heels, castle, , (edgfd ballgown:1.5), (fantasy dress:1.2), (long dress:1.2), (ballgown with a lot of stars on it:1.2),, (masterpiece, high quality, best quality:1.3), (photorealism:1.3), (dynamic shadows, dynamic lighting:1.2), (natural skin texture:1.5), (natural lips, detailed lips:1.3), (natural shadows, detailed shadows:1.5), (hyperrealism, soft light, sharp), (hdr, hyperdetailed:1), (intricate details:0.8), detailed eyes, detailed hair, detailed skin, 8k, (cinematic look:1.4), insane details, intricate details, hyperdetailed, low contrast, soft cinematic light, exposure blend, hdr, faded, slate gray atmosphere
(realistic:1.5), (detailed:1), (masterpiece:0.5), photography of KatjaKeanQuiron woman, (blonde hair:1.1),  blue eyes, Close-up portrait, 8k RAW photo, highest quality, detailed eyes, looking at the camera, best shadow, intricate details, interior, perfect hair, muted colors, high contrast style, glam shot, smoldering, sultry, intense, languid, tempting, sensual, seductive, longing, yearning, smitten, dark photography studio, minimal lighting, deep shadows, stark contrasts, dramatic highlights, black backdrop, dimples, fullness, plumpness, natural pout, lusciousness, red lips, bold color, alluring, captivating, striking, unforgettable, stunning, breathtaking, timeless beauty.,
1girl, long hair, looking at viewer, solo focus, Sunrise at the Beach: The soft, warm light of sunrise coupled with the serene atmosphere of the beach creates a peaceful and dreamy setting for landscape and seascape photography.,
, by Guy Bourdin
generates an image showing a stuffed dog sitting on a wooden table. The dog is a Labrador retriever, puppy, with snow white fur. He has a round face and expressive brown eyes. The dog's nose is black and wet, and the ears are drooping. He has a sign on his collar that says "DOMENICO". The dog has a long, furry tail that rests on the table.
The table is made of dark wood and has a polished surface. There is a vase of flowers in the center of the table, and a table lamp is placed in the corner. The lamp has a white fabric shade that casts a soft light over the room.
Behind the table is a painting of a Venetian canal. The canal is full of gondolas and other boats, and there are old buildings on both sides of the canal. The sky is light blue and there are white clouds on the horizon.
The image is taken from a high angle, allowing you to see the table, the dog, and the painting from above. The light is natural and comes from a window outside the image frame.
The image is a calm and peaceful scene. The dog is sitting comfortably on the table, and the painting creates a feeling of relaxation. The image is perfect for a children's room or family home.
Here are some additional details that can be seen in the image:
The dog has a small brown spot on his left ear.
The canal painting is framed in a gold frame.
The table has a white tablecloth with a flower pattern.
The table lamp has a white fabric shade with a lace edge.
Enigmatic mermaid @nix, voluminous snow-white curls, draped in a flowing black robe with crimson accents, (delicate silver chains around her neck), a backdrop of stark, modern lines, (her skin pale against the dark fabric), a contrast of innocence and hidden depth, a regal bearing amidst the chaos of worlds seen and unseen, the dance of light and shadow played across her features, (a captivating presence).
A stoic swordsman ((Samurai Jack Donald Trump)), clad in traditional garb, the white kimono graced with a monochrome crest. His black hakama flutters slightly, suggesting a subtle readiness. With katana in hand, the poised warrior stands against a bold red backdrop with stark white accents, evoking the timeless essence of bushido. His topknot is styled with precision, shadowing a contemplative face that speaks of honor and tales untold.A stoic swordsman ((Samurai Jack Donald Trump)), clad in traditional garb, the white kimono graced with a monochrome crest. His black hakama flutters slightly, suggesting a subtle readiness. With katana in hand, the poised warrior stands against a bold red backdrop with stark white accents, evoking the timeless essence of bushido. His topknot is styled with precision, shadowing a contemplative face that speaks of honor and tales untold.
A serious and brave female jedi walking through a market in Tatooine, wearing a hooded robe, --ar 4:6 --v 6
A serious and brave female jedi walking through a market in Tatooine, wearing a hooded robe, --ar 4:6 --v 6
A serious and brave female jedi walking through a market in Tatooine, wearing a hooded robe, --ar 4:6 --v 6
A serious and brave female jedi walking through a market in Tatooine, wearing a hooded robe, --ar 4:6 --v 6
(((Masterpiece)))(sfw),(best quality),((Chest covered)),cinematic light,(((Female Master chief)))(Pink Hair),solo,(Panels of metal covering body))(Armor Panels),(chest covered), far from camera, (((mountains in the background))), ((mars)), science fiction,
scenario: high-tech heist, Iron Man infiltrating a secure facility, BREAK, objective: retrieving stolen Stark Industries technology, BREAK, gadgets: repulsor-powered gauntlets, versatile holographic disguises, BREAK, action: engaging in a thrilling game of cat and mouse with security guards, BREAK, suspense: every second counts as alarms blare and the stakes escalate.
404 Error Reality Not Found,( text "404":2.0),404 Error Reality Not Found, ERROR daemon summoned!, Who needs dead ends in an endless cyberspace?,Street Art, , Homely, Compositing, id Tech engine, Stark, Multiple Exposure Photography, Augmented Reality, Abstract Animation, Light Shaft, Focal Blur, 32K, Distinctive,,Albert einstein
photograph, detailed realistic fit wonder woman wearing thick steel collar around neck, up down pov, sitting on her knees, kneeling, wonder woman cosplay, wonder woman bondage, realistic, art, beautiful, 4K, collar, choker, collar around neck, punk, detailed, female, woman, choker, cyberpunk, neon, punk, collar, choker, collar around neck, thick collar, tight around neck, punk, headshot, detailed
Imagine a young maiden with long, glossy black hair adorned with neat bangs, standing in the grandeur of an ancient castle. Her elaborate dress, echoing the architectural splendor, billows slightly with the cool stone-floor draft. Her dark, sparkling eyes reveal a story of mystery and intrigue as they gaze upon centuries-old tapestries. Streaks of sunlight pierce through the leadlight windows, casting ethereal patterns on her and the weathered stone walls, adding to the mystic allure., Envision a resilient girl with black hair, standing boldly in a mesmerizing snowy landscape. Her warm, brightly-colored dress offers a stark contrast to the surrounding white blanket. Her eyes, full of awe and admiration, reflect the pristine beauty of the scene. Snowflakes gently descend around her, the snow-covered trees stand silent witnesses, and a frozen lake glistens under the pale winter sun, creating a stunning tableau of peaceful solitude.
Johnny Depp, Intense @JohnnyDepp, chiseled features, dark wavy hair, enveloped in an extravagant faux fur coat with varied brown tones, a stark contrast to the cool, bluish hue of the minimalist background, focused, studio-quality lighting accentuates the luxurious texture of the fur and the sharpness of the model's facial structure, the overall composition alluding to high fashion and opulence.
a portrait photography of a gorgeous 30 years old woman, sitting on sofa, Brunette Hair, wearing white Ruffled gown, wrap dress with flat sandals and a sun hat, attractive flirting, looking at viewer, mansion living room background, photography, detailed skin, realistic, photo-realistic, 8k, highly detailed, full length frame, High detail RAW color art, piercing, diffused soft lighting, shallow depth of field, sharp focus, hyperrealism, cinematic lighting,mrunalt
8k RAW professional photo of beautiful brandygordon in viking wear sit,muscle body, relief muscle, stunning beautiful woman,(extreme medium long shot),astrophotography, blond hair, in field with a starry sky,beautiful face,makeup, amazing eyes, expressive features (masterpiece), (extremely intricate:1.3),(realistic), dslr, soft lighting, high quality, film grain, Fujifilm XT3,sharp focus, tattoo, ,neon, slim smile face, bright tattoo,chocker,  , vibrant colors
@Laura gangster with long, blonde, braided, golden hair, wearing a black & white hoodie & bandanas. Gold jewelry. Diamond jewelry. Sitting on her throne. She is surrounded by her gangster & crew. They all have guns & weapons & are smoking cigars. The room is dark & filled with smoke. There are stacks of cash on the table in front of them. There are glasses of alcohol and bottles. They are in the streets at the end of an alley. it is midnight. you can barely see anything just from the glow of the street lights and moonlight.@Laura gangster with long, blonde, braided, golden hair, wearing a black & white hoodie & bandanas. Gold jewelry. Diamond jewelry. Sitting on her throne. She is surrounded by her gangster & crew. They all have guns & weapons & are smoking cigars. The room is dark & filled with smoke. There are stacks of cash on the table in front of them. There are glasses of alcohol and bottles. They are in the streets at the end of an alley. it is midnight. you can barely see anything just from the glow of the street lights and moonlight.@Laura gangster with long, blonde, braided, golden hair, wearing a black & white hoodie & bandanas. Gold jewelry. Diamond jewelry. Sitting on her throne. She is surrounded by her gangster & crew. They all have guns & weapons & are smoking cigars. The room is dark & filled with smoke. There are stacks of cash on the table in front of them. There are glasses of alcohol and bottles. They are in the streets at the end of an alley. it is midnight. you can barely see anything just from the glow of the street lights and moonlight.
Fortnite in World war 2Fortnite in World war 2Fortnite in World war 2Fortnite in World war 2
Tony Stark, in his Iron Man suit, his face is visible (no mask), firing a laser from his glove, dynamic position (flying), intensity, full body portrait, UHD, HDR, 32K, intricate details, action background, hyper-detailed, wide angle (24mm), 32k, trending, amazing art, stunning image, award winning photography, cinematic
cinematic photo of woman as Kratos god of war, rim light
pregant, sks woman (dressed as james bond), long hair, freckles, blushing, pale skin, (long shot, full body) , full sharp, detailed face, looking at viewer, eye contact,18 yers girl, jp-ds824a-v3-3300 (standing field of wildflowers:1.4) freckles (intricately detailed sheer lace nightgown:1.2) (bright glossy eyes:1.5) (stars in night sky:1.4) epiCRealism She has double eyelids and a high nose bridge, which beautifully accentuates her big eyes. Her blonde colored curls add charm to her overall appearance. With cherry lips , she looks adorable 3d,frame,Day tunic, embroidered collar, and wimple, Trailblazer, Average Height, Athletic, Oval Face, Dark Skin, Strawberry Blonde Hair, grey-blue Eyes, Straight Nose, Thin Lips, Sharp Chin, Shoulder-Length Hair, Fine Hair, Swept Bangs, perky breasts, Threader earrings, cherry cream lipstick, crouching,  f2, 35mm, film grain,  jinjermoon  mayers woman 4k, beautiful, large lips:1.3 (parted lips:1.3) and (lips filler:1.3) and (silicon lips:1.3), (thick lips:1.3), large breasts:1.3,
((masterpiece, best quality):1.0), solo, nude, nsfw, (((Terminator asriel dreemurr:1.0)Terminator asriel dreemurr fur)), ((cute android face):1.0), ((robot humanoid)), ((android)), (((synthetic body))), ((robot head)), ((1male)), sitting, sexy pose, full body shot, legs spread, ((ultra detailed canine penis)), feet focus, digital sketch, vibrant, gloomy, dynamic light,  (slit pupils, red eyes, black sclera:1.0), athletic, angry, showing fangs, (growl:0.9), (abs:0.9), (white mane, white hair, long mane, long hair, Black chest fluff), ((flat chest)), (Huge balls), ((detailed apocalypse war city background)), by Hioshiru, by Pino Daeni, by SilverFox5213, by Foxovah, by Personal Ami, by Kenket, by Silgiriya Mantsugosi, by Horokusa0519, by PGM300, by PixelSketcher,
scifi,  piramid  with  lava background in dark night, (dark night:1.3),  egyptpunk style,
A stunning intricate full color portrait of one young woman  as,(the ancient egyptian queen), (woman:1.4),epic character composition,real,photoshoot,realistic,award winning ,masterpiece, best quality,(detailed beautiful face, detail skin texture, ultra-detailed body:1.1),(golden egyptdress:1.3),(slight smile:1.4),big breasts,triticate,elegant,Cleopatra clothes,god rays, Gold jewelry on the neck with beautiful patterns, (face shot:1.4),  hieroglyph, highlight and shadows, , thaidollarunee, (upper body:1.3),
,ethereal lights, big crescent moon, cloud, star,  excessive energy, smoke, glowing aura, fantasy,colorful, , explosionmagic ,
(analog photo:1.2),((dynamic pose:1.2),(dynamic camera),fantasy style, On the moon full of Cyan flowers, an young woman with long lace dress, long hair,walking happily on the flowers moon, looking to camera, The background is the space background, and Earth, stars, and other planets can be seen flying ribbons,design, lighting, photography, cute, realistic, ultra realistic, real photography, photorealistic, Photo taken on a Mamiya ARZ67 with Portra 400 film, aperture 4, shutter speed 125  stardust   , concept art,, (natural colors, correct white balance, color correction, dehaze,clarity), (composition centering, conceptual photography)),(midnight hour, high quality, film grain), (natural colors, correct white balance, color correction, dehaze,clarity)
(analog photo:1.2),((dynamic pose:1.2),(dynamic camera),(art retouch),fantasy style, On the moon full of Crimson flowers, an young woman with long lace dress, long hair,walking happily on the flowers moon, looking to camera, The background is the space background, and Earth, stars, and other planets can be seen flying ribbons,design, lighting, photography, cute, realistic, ultra realistic, real photography, photorealistic, Photo taken on a Mamiya ARZ67 with Portra 400 film, aperture 4, shutter speed 125  stardust   , concept art,, (natural colors, correct white balance, color correction, dehaze,clarity), (composition centering, conceptual photography)),(midnight hour, high quality, film grain), (natural colors, correct white balance, color correction, dehaze,clarity)
woman, , rapunzel, (very long hair, absurdly long hair:1.3), blonde hair, smile, shy smile, high heels, castle, , (edgfd ballgown:1.5), (fantasy dress:1.5), (long dress:1.5), (ballgown with a lot of stars on it:1.5),, (masterpiece, high quality, best quality:1.3), (photorealism:1.3), (dynamic shadows, dynamic lighting:1.2), (natural skin texture:1.5), (natural lips, detailed lips:1.3), (natural shadows, detailed shadows:1.5), (hyperrealism, soft light, sharp), (hdr, hyperdetailed:1), (intricate details:0.8), detailed eyes, detailed hair, detailed skin, 8k, (cinematic look:1.4), insane details, intricate details, hyperdetailed, low contrast, soft cinematic light, exposure blend, hdr, faded, slate gray atmosphere
Ankama vivid animation style Arnold as terminator t800, wearing short Hosn, brownpant, necktie, brown shoe, wild leather, vest, san francisco in front of a biker bar, explosion, candy cotton clouds, smoke,,. Vibrant colors, expansive storyworlds, stylized characters, flowing motion
lineart, fantasy, scenery, 
1boy,solo, male oracle, robert downey jr, tony stark, iron man,  magician, sorcerer, cape, belowing cape, windy, magic circle, arc reactor, glowing runes, sunglasses, technomagic, (drink, cocktail glass,:1.3)  ,epic fantasy,lakeside,sunlight,scenery,(dust particles:1.1),
[[[bimbo]]]], posing, teasing, 8k uhd, masterpiece, best quality, high quality, absurdres, ultra-detailed,,masterpiece, best quality,3 horses,3 females,pure white fur,huge breasts,equine black pussies,{{{{large pink Feather Plumes on heads}}}, s,golden bridles,sitting on ground,{{{{{ultra high detailed muzzles}}},nightsky,sparks ,confused expression,{{{{{{pure white fur}}}}},white hair,white tail,after transformation, slightly sideways,whinny,{{{very thick gold band above cheast}}},nipples,hooves,legs front,high detailed body,golden bands,hair feather,identical triplets,facing left,bend over,forest background,open muzzle,neighing,mane hair,identical pose,gold bridle,{{{{{pink Feather Plumes}}}}},{{{{{{{3 large pink Feather Plumes on head}}}}}}},lower body completly naked,upper body golden band,seductive,black pussy,equine pussy,{{{{presenting pussies}}},cinderellas horses,boring_e621_v4,black hooves,{{{{facing all the same direction}}}},close up,dark background,very dark forest,identical harnessess,black nipples,{{{{golden horse harness with huge gold straps}}}},,high detail hair Feather Plumes,sitting on ground,6 legs,hands on breasts,{{{{{{{identical triplets}}}}}},{{{close}}},{{{{golden harness}}}},golden bridles,{{{head ornament}},
full body shot, (realistic:1.4), a beautiful native american female Pocahontas and 1raccoon, long black hair, light brown leather native indian Pocahontas dress, (perfect hands:1.2), sits in Cyber-canoe, Cyberpunk city, Cyberpunk, neon lights, cybernetic punk, cybertechno, cyberculture, cyber genre, cyberpunk, cyberspace, cyber setting, cyber futurism, cyber reality, cyber avant-garde, cyber Internet, warm cinematic lighting, soft shadows, masterpiece, best quality, realistic, sharp focus, 4k.
"0599",high quality,A strategic space combat scene in a mecha game interface, showcasing the iconic Iron Man in place of the traditional mecha. Tony Stark's confident and intelligent visage replaces the pilot's portrait, The Iron Man suit, detailed and glowing in the game's HUD, is poised for action, with high HP and energy levels emphasizing its power the tranquil expansion of space contrasts with the imminent high-tech warfare,
@MaleTa wearing She's clad in a blue fleece jacket with yellow details, worn over a teal tank top, and paired with a green knit skirt, offering a cozy and colorful ensemble. A misty forest trail with lush foliage, adventurous and natural. Coffee shop interior, warm tones, cozy and inviting poses.@MaleTa wearing She's clad in a blue fleece jacket with yellow details, worn over a teal tank top, and paired with a green knit skirt, offering a cozy and colorful ensemble. A misty forest trail with lush foliage, adventurous and natural. Coffee shop interior, warm tones, cozy and inviting poses.@MaleTa wearing She's clad in a blue fleece jacket with yellow details, worn over a teal tank top, and paired with a green knit skirt, offering a cozy and colorful ensemble. A misty forest trail with lush foliage, adventurous and natural. Coffee shop interior, warm tones, cozy and inviting poses.