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246 Barack Hussein Obama As Thanos AI Generated Art

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(masterpiece, best quality, detailed), 1girl, solo, looking at viewer, dohna dohna, , rio tsukatsuki, halo, very long hair, hair ornament, fedora, brown headwear, brown pants, black belt, cowboy hat, brown jacket, leather jacket, indiana jones, white shirt, satchel, indoors, alcohol, bar \(place\), counter, table, stool, chandelier, leaning forward, looking back, from behind, ass
Laura,by,Leo,Litvac,Stephanie,Shoot,Gleam,DinaDayMakeup,Portrait,of,a,beautiful,young,red-haired,woman,Fe,freckled,Cheerful,girl,redhead,tall,freckles,foxy,girls,Close,up,portrait,g,Giorgia,Madeline,Ford,A,piece,fine,art,photography,titled,Soul,Mi,Katia,Sergey,Martynov,girl,,portrait,,ginger,,freckles,,green,,eye,,colo,Chrissie,Best,Portraits,&,Conceptual,Collection,Part,IV,blue,eyes,,deviantart,,and,image,Girl,Freckles,Face,Close-Up,David,J,Crewe,Portrait-,und,Beauty-Retusche,px,Image,result,for,touch,ice,ebook,Beautiful,fr,Lily,Cole,gallery,'Freckled',Maja,Topagi,-,Photograph,sss,nastia,vesna,on,femininity,WPixel,More,Than,Beaty,Justyna,Wi,,,lips,,natural,,face,,freckl,_marianna_m_fotogen_model_switzerland,the-perks-of-being-gina,Her,though,Stefan,Kothner,Photographer-,Untitled,Alla,Pisareva,Naked,Striking,Redhead,Teen,Dramatic,Female,Alessio,Albi,bad,blood,cristina-otero,a_-year-old_red-haired_catholic_girl_photographe,cabelos-tingidos-dicas,freckles-lindsay-adler-photography-EEA_origin,Lena,Dunaeva,pxcom,Red,Hair,,Blue,Eyes,,Portraitfotos,mit,redhair,in,casual,closes,Kumarov,Amkote,Michael,red,haired,with,looking,at,camera,avatar,Eliminar,las,manchas,de,la,piel,Tash,vphotography,studios,x,pix,Wallpaper,redhead,,long,hair,l,Hattie,Watson_main,winged,cateye,eyeliner,Hyperpigmentation,Norwegian,big,eyes,wpixel,,more,than,beauty,,women,,wrocaw,,LUCA,MENEGHEL,Photography,kissed,fire,Beauty,Gabriel,Ory,Girl,,Photography,,Portrait,,fresh,Northern,European,auburn,Photographer,Manuel,Pandalis,frecklehairs-lindsay-adler-photography-EEA_,Napozz,vatosan,napozsi,szablyok,brtpusonkn,ho,made,iconic,HD,Spring,close,lovely,mysterious,B,Photo,People,#model,#red,head,#freckles,#green,Kate,Sykes,Topcagic,The,Most,Inspiring,Young,Haired,Beauties,shot,Kristina,Varaksina,Henk,Deinum,Portfolio,women,redhair,,Wojtek,Polaczkiewicz,Loveful,babes,Marina,Murasheva_Deep,Sea_jpg,von,Freckled,girls,,stories,mature,sex,Retratos,Hair,series,Amber,xpx,KB,#,May,Sbastien,Roignant,Bryan,Dockett,Tutorial,How,to,Make,Stand,Out,Ligh,Alexandra,Pareigis,ClioMakeUp-lentiggini-efelidi-trucco-make-up-prote,Sansa,courtesy,Point,Model,Management,blue-eyes-jpg,To,Get,Natural,Looking,Faux,Glow,When,You,Ar,Makeup,Pale,nude,viewer,,h,Bree-LynnMistolPhotography-,prettiness,Shershunova,Alexey,Tyurin,Girls,Desktop,liaekaiteudo,Of,Month,Pho,Frederika,Urbanization,ginger,naked,can,n,face,model,*,*photo,preview,We,Are,Swedish,Captured,bricks,hai,Emily,Taaffe,Fabric,Magazine-jpg,pexelscom,Katy_BrickLane-jpg,Ksenia,Kibkalo,Na,twarzy,piegi,,serce,pokryte,bruzdami,Nieideal,depth,field,,Women,Eyes,At,Viewer,submissivelg,from,fellow,redheadshe,is,beauti,_,Michalina,Mondays,And,Redheads,Rungitom,Causes,Dark,Skin,Pigmentation,opaque-redhead-dreadlocks-nude-suicide-girls-,images,Lentiggini,con,occhi,marroni,Actress,Miranda,Turbitt,photographed,Nick,Walte,Osannda,Hall,Photoshoot,Ha,Un,en,gros,plan,d'une,magnifique,belle,je,beautiful,,beauty,bone,,collarbones,,femme,rousse,aux,taches,ro,Julia,Yarochenko,LennyLW,Mesmerizing,Photos,Doing,What,They,Do,bare,shoulders,f,Prodn,barva,na,vlasy,aneb,kolik,henny,aplikovat,Mathilde,Guennadi,Ivanov-Kuhn,Facial,piercings,Via,#portrait,Rachel,online_JPG,Tertius,Alio-,Lara,Marek,Grohol,Photography-by-Maja-Topcagic-,females,eye,green,loo,SabrinaGuthier_Isabelle_Karlsruhe_web-,Cloe,yannickdesmet,Curls,Contest,Omg,love,the,orange,hues,th,Alyssa,single,gardiner,Fine-Art-Portrait-Fotograf-Bonn-Jennifer-jpg,L*,Lauren,Ftn,also,join,me,models-with-freckles,Sony,World,Awards,Ivana,Pejak,stunning,makeup,Tingere,i,capelli?,Ora,il,rosso,fa,tendenza,,scegl,Mariana,Kriguer,Nude,Sommersprossen,Sind,Schon,Gin,Beispiel,zur,Photoshop,Portrai,Tomas,Haluska,Jennifer_h_fotogen_model_schweiz_,Issues,That,Be,Signs,Serious,Health,Co,redheads,Jessica,Last,jpg,Piercings,#photography,#redhead,Lenka,Regalov,cityflower,Olomouc,frec,photograph,silver,nose,ring,Ginger,pink,lipstick,OCC,lip,tar,Lenn,Kseniya,Feeva,MENEGHAL,PUSSY,freckle,Jessicajpg,-year-old,Catholic,photographe, interstellar,-,Fizicienii,ar,putea,captura,lumina,de,la,captul,g,Black,hole?,,Amazing,facts,,Types,of,black,holes,Supermassive,hole,Black-hole-Interstellar,The,Hole,War,My,Battle,with,Stephen,Hawking,interstellar-black-holejpg,"","""",Gab,""""""""""""""""""""",black_hole_interstellar,,,What,are,in,space,?,BBC,Documentary,Univese,Most,Dang,trou,noir,supermassif,Photo,Gargantua,Beigazoldott,egyik,hres,elmlete,I,buchi,neri,,ma,cosa,sono,davvero?,Terza,parte,Super,primi,risultati,dell'Event,Horizon,Telescope,Monstrous,Of,Billion,Solar,Masses,Ha,ilustrao,artstica,buraco,negro,do,filme,Inte,jabb,,rszletesebb,fot,rkezett,egy,fekete,lyukr,S,sng,c,th,hnh,thnh,xung,quanh,h,en,lnh,super-massive-blackhole,via,lactea,agujero,ovjeanstvo,udruilo,snage,da,se,prvi,put,izravno,interstellar-black-hole,"""""""",three,planets,Un,gran,esfuerzo,global,persigue,primera,imagen,Blackhole,""A,Bowling-Ball-Sized,Relic,from,the,Viviamo,un,buco,nero?,ltimo,artigo,sobre,buracos,neg,A,strange,eyes,astronomers,Chn,dung,qui,vt,v,tr,n,Mt,Tri,mi,ngy,rceni,Ondas,gravitacionales,-captan-,-agujero,Interstellar,Astronomers,Are,One,Step,Closer,To,Figuring,Out,Ho,blackhole,Sugesto,podcast,para,entender,os,negr,hubble,telescope,images,photo,Bild,En,fullt,utvecklas,warpbubbla,Bubblan,fun,Hi,kh,Tc,ca,nh,l,m,s,,t,Kara,delik,hakknda,bilgilendiren,ok,etkileyici,Gi,nhng,thc,cht,vng,khng,gia,atau,lubang,hitam,""El,central,nuestra,galaxia,ti,shock,find,'strange',objec,NASA'dan,dev,bulu,deliklerden,kurtulabilen,Fakta,Seru,dari,Foto,Pertama,Lubang,Hitam,Supermas,image,Comparison,YouTube,Gaur,neagr,Space,telescopes,spot,light,'echoing',behind,Light,a,hole?,Einstein,was,right,after,Can,we,solve,information,paradox,wi,l'avait,prdit,une,toile,danse,rosa,cn,fekete-lyuk,Gizemleriyle,hepimizi,byleyen,,evrendeki,gl,oldest,,most,distant,quasar,and,b,Holes,NASA,fastest,growing,-J-,new,theorem,predicts,that,stationary,Es,posible,que,una,nave,cruce,intacta,Loop,Quantum,Gravity,Theory,Offers,Glimpse,Beyond,Sputnik,'Star-eating',gives,experts,insight,typ_blackholejpg,GkBilimciler,Delii,Buldu,In,Universe,An,Analysis,Three,Orbiting,Break,Significant,Phy,radiation,sonic,had,its,Representacin,con,disco,ac,Intestellar,Diytattooimages,Hole,,Unicorn,Que,es,negro?,As,lo,explica,How,Building,for,Led,to,s,tht,hp,dn,Qu'est,ce,qu'un,agujeros,negros,Viden,,ahogy,kt,lyuk,egymssal,tncol,If,have,'hair',it,could,challenge,Eins,Con,ngi,i,khc,qua,su,terms,Escape,Velocity,Le,et,son,disque,d'accrtion,d,Blackhole-lead,Buraco,criado,em,laboratrio,mostra,Gravitational,Lensing,Shadow,real,artist's,impression,rotating,""Horyzont,zdarze,ang,Event,otaczajc,Ar,galtume,igauti,energij,juodosios,skyls?,Space-Black-Hole-x,supermassive-black-hole-aimed-at-earth,MTU,will,earth,be,sucked,into,est,dessin,par,artiste,Samanyolu'ndaki,byk,kara,bulundu,Gaura,care,ajut,stele,creasc,,loc,Pht,hin,hai,va,chm,claggie,Outer,Wallpaper,,Phone,Wallpap,Trovati,neri,giganti,,fino,miliardi,di,""Descubren,tan,grande,""""no,Missing,interpretation,bla,hole,,definition,study,A-Z,index,Cog,Image,result,Potna,supermasywna,czarna,dziura,J,posiada,agujero-negro-hawking,black-hole-,juodoji,skyle,gigantic,dormant,triggers,star,format,has,mass,billion,suns,New,formula,calculating,at,p,Wallpaper,Interesting,Crazy,Stuff,Spinning,agujero-negro,""""""""""""",fuso,VIDO,La,Nasa,dshabille,noir,,c'est,simulated,""Oto,najszybciej,powikszajca,si,znana,nam,cza,Resultado,imagem,fictional,Miller's,planet,orbiting,Alimlr,milyard,il,nc,iki,qara,dliyin,birlm,Gne'ten,bin,kat,Bilim,insanlarndan,Horizons,Supermasvna,ierna,diera,Cientfico,descubre,otro,mecanismo,formacin,deep,engine,LIGO-VIRGO,detektorok,rejtlyes,objektumot,tall,LB-,Gigantisk,sort,hul,Mlkevejen,EHT,blackhole-_jpeg,Digital,Painting,Stock,Illustration,D,Related,Hologram,essays,is,Einstein,,Genel,Grelilik,Teorisi,Simulator,Torrent,Download,removal,Bir,Astrofiziki,,Zaman,Makinesi,Yapmann,Yolunu,B,deliin,ilk,fotoraf,ortaya,kyor,Tar,Planets,around,Calculations,show,pos,bt,trong,thng,Tbb,ezer,hemzseghet,Tejtrendszer,Une,autour,d'un,thorie,Fuente,ESA,ES,Panoramic,degree,Deep,space,,darkness,sta,don't,scared,,it's,just,an
("Slytherin" crest: 1.4) , (oil painting) portrait of an enigmatic teenager with shoulder-length black hair in the Harry Potter universe, black eyes, he is wearing a black cloak, mysterious personality, elusive, sharp image, black background
((masterpiece)),pov, 1girl, w3day_14,  full body, , Hermione Granger, black school uniform, black micro mini skirt, black knee high socks,
masterpiece, best quality,
lelouch lamperouge, student,
solo, ((ashford academy uniform)), portrait
short hair, purple eyes, geass
belt, black belt, black jacket, black pants, 
mksks style, professional lightning, spotlight, city,
Mulan, long black hair, black eyes, long sleeves, dress, black eyes,  green shirt
looking at viewer, smiling, sitting inside a cozy restaurant, table full of food, noodles, rice, grilled chicken, playful ambiance, high quality, masterpiece,
Conceptual Artist: Alex Harper
Medium: Mixed Media (Acrylic and Collage)
Artwork: A thought-provoking piece that symbolically addresses the theme of inner turmoil and addiction
Central Theme: Exploring Inner Demons
Scene: An abstract representation of a person's mind, fragmented and battling with conflicting emotions
Foreground: An intricate collage of images and symbols, portraying the complexities of the human psyche
Collage Elements: Newspaper clippings, torn pages, and fragmented photos hint at the diverse sources of influence
Colors: A subdued color palette, mixing somber blues and grays with hints of fiery reds, representing the emotional spectrum
Textures: Layers of paint and collage elements create a tactile and multidimensional aspect
Figures: Silhouettes of individuals in various poses, representing different aspects of the person's struggle
Imagery: Broken chains, tangled ropes, and a compass pointing in conflicting directions symbolize the challenge of addiction
Emotion: Evokes a sense of introspection, empathy, and the recognition of the human battle with inner conflicts
Metaphor: The artwork captures the internal tug-of-war between desires and control, seeking to illuminate rather than sensationalize the topic
Narrative: "Inner Struggle Unveiled" invites viewers to contemplate the complexities of addiction and the profound journey of self-discovery
Legacy: The piece encourages open dialogue about personal battles, emphasizing empathy and understanding in the face of complex emotions.
Mulan, black hair, hair bun, black eyes, black chinese dress, short sleeves, makeup,looking at viewer, serious, smirk, upper body shot, standing, outside, garden, red torii, koi pond, trees, mountain, blue sky, high quality, masterpiece,
Photo of Timothy Dalton as James Bond wearing a black tuxedo and a white shirt and a black bow tie, low light, dark room
masterpiece, best quality, highres, hmfre, blonde hair, braid, beret, black headwear, earrings, armlet, plaid, bare shoulders, black bow, black dress, wrist cuffs, bracelet, belt, fishnet pantyhose, idolmaster cinderella girls, , night, city, street, standing, cowboy shot, arms at sides, straight-on,
[Wonder Woman|Supergirl|captain marvel], with [black|blonde|platinum punk] hair, (dressed as a belly dancer concubine princess, wearing opulent body covered in long flowing billowing liquid detailed sheer translucent gown and robe), in a bouduoir, skinny athletic body, (leaning back) on bed, inviting, beckoning to camera, smirking, sexy, knee up, (detailed close up fingers),empty hands, warm lighting, luxurious, royal, professional comic book style, flat shading, dynamic upshot, thepit style, dramatic cinematic lighting, (foreshortened perspective:1), intricate artwork, detailed lines
Rapunzel with tattoos in streetstyle clothes, with super long blonde braids and half opened hair, ultra realistic, 8k, withe crop top, no 
squint, a black choker, black hotpants
1girl, old woman, solo, looking at viewer, short hair, black hair, 1boy, hat, jewelry, upper body, outdoors, blurry, black shirt, black headwear, blurry background, photorealistic, old, old woman, Harry Potter style, witch hat, analog style
masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, pocahontas, dark skin, black hair, long hair, (floating hair:0.5), black eyes, smile, sketch,  on a sofa, pink lingerie, upper body
masterpiece, best quality, highres, hmfre, blonde hair, beret, purple headwear, plaid, black necktie, sleeveless dress, corset, arm strap, black gloves, black thighhighs, striped thighhighs, garter straps, idolmaster cinderella girls, , stage, smile, open mouth, holding microphone, standing,
@Laura Beautiful white new zealand fitness model. she is a personal fitness trainer for female bodybuilders. she has a strong muscular body in our shaped glass body. she has long beautiful golden blonde hair. she has golden eyes. she is in her gym training other females on how to exercise and lift weights. she is wearing sportswear and gym clothes. her hair is in a bun. she is wearing all black. black shoes black sweatpants sports shirt black hair bow. she has a serious face.@Laura Beautiful white new zealand fitness model. she is a personal fitness trainer for female bodybuilders. she has a strong muscular body in our shaped glass body. she has long beautiful golden blonde hair. she has golden eyes. she is in her gym training other females on how to exercise and lift weights. she is wearing sportswear and gym clothes. her hair is in a bun. she is wearing all black. black shoes black sweatpants sports shirt black hair bow. she has a serious face.@Laura Beautiful white new zealand fitness model. she is a personal fitness trainer for female bodybuilders. she has a strong muscular body in our shaped glass body. she has long beautiful golden blonde hair. she has golden eyes. she is in her gym training other females on how to exercise and lift weights. she is wearing sportswear and gym clothes. her hair is in a bun. she is wearing all black. black shoes black sweatpants sports shirt black hair bow. she has a serious face.
cyberpunk, a portrait of a cyborg man, Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, (cyberpunk augmentations:1.2), (mechanical bodyparts and prostheses:1.4), eye prosthesis, black leather coat, black headwear, neon city bokhe
1girl, woman, (terminator rockstar:1.3), bright black eyes, pose, , shawl, bombshell hair, deep black hair, very long hair,Crown Braid, chubby, narrow waist, medium breasts, albino
black and white, (vintage:1.1), old grain, film photo, confident man, masculine man, black tuxedo, with blonde feminine woman wearing a dress, at party, (many people:1.1), scotch in hand, old photo, professional, black and white old photo, classy, james bond, (style of Germaine Krull:1.3),
@Savannah, striking contrast, black turtleneck bodysuit, elegant high-waisted belt, beside a dark horse, classic architecture, black and white composition, direct sunlight with sharp shadows, strong gaze, full body shot.@Savannah, striking contrast, black turtleneck bodysuit, elegant high-waisted belt, beside a dark horse, classic architecture, black and white composition, direct sunlight with sharp shadows, strong gaze, full body shot.
Mulan, long black hair, black eyes, hair ornament, jewelry, earrings, pink kimono,hair bun, black eyes, long sleeves, makeup,red lipstick, looking at viewer, serious, smiling,  sitting, on sofa, inside a cozy living room, holding a tea cup, window, blue sky, high quality, masterpiece,
A girl with black skin and curly black hair into a slightly messy bun on the top of her head wearing a flowy floral patterned dress and silver sandals with a small healA girl with black skin and curly black hair into a slightly messy bun on the top of her head wearing a flowy floral patterned dress and silver sandals with a small healA girl with black skin and curly black hair into a slightly messy bun on the top of her head wearing a flowy floral patterned dress and silver sandals with a small healA girl with black skin and curly black hair into a slightly messy bun on the top of her head wearing a flowy floral patterned dress and silver sandals with a small heal
masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, pocahontas, dark skin, black hair, long hair, (floating hair:0.5), black eyes, wind color, leaf, fall, pink and red theme, magical wind, solo, looking at viewer,
Mulan, long black hair, black eyes, tank top, camisole, blue shorts,looking at viewer, serious, smiling, standing, from_behind, inside a cozy kitchen, sink, washing hands, window, natural lighting,  high quality, masterpiece,
(masterpiece, best quality:1.1), 1girl, solo, (mulan:1.1), from disney's mulan, red and black, black hair, serious, firece, long hair, green flower dress, brown eyes, kneeling, arms behind head, armpits
A hyperrealistic portrait of a beautiful woman with raven black hair, embodying the character of Snow White. She is dressed in a lavish, deep blue Renaissance gown, adorned with delicate lace. Captured from the back as she strolls through an enchanting garden, the image is taken with a Canon R5 and a 200mm lens. The focus is sharp, emphasizing the intricate details of her dress and the natural beauty of the garden, all shot in RAW format. The photograph radiates with an 8k HDR quality, showcasing her luscious black hair cascading gently over her sculpted shoulders. Her face, though partially turned, reveals crimson lips and a complexion as fair as snow, exuding a sense of mystery and grace. This exquisitely crafted image perfectly captures the essence of Snow White's timeless beauty and charm.
(rapunzel:1), (adventure outfit:1.5), (long black hair), (black eyes, black iris, black sclera:1.5), (white blouse, black vest with dark purple stitching, dark purple skirt), (long hair, black hair, blacked out eyes:1), (loose hair:1.5),  ((black eyes)), (dress:1), (long dress),  cartoony facial features, large round eyes, black hair, hair floating, (realistic:1.2),  (masterpiece:1.2), (full-body-shot:1),(Cowboy-shot:1.2), (dark cave:1.2), evil woman, black irises, black fog, black smoke, dynamic dark lighting, night time, green glow coming from hair, (hands in water), looking at viewer, staring, expressionless face, (highly detailed:1.2),(detailed face:1.2), (gradients), colorful, detailed eyes, (detailed landscape:1.2), (natural lighting:1.2),(detailed background),detailed landscape, (dynamic pose:1.2), close shot, solo,
Turn into a young man with Nike. Gear on a black suit with red trium, black nikes with red shoelaces, a black Nike hat with red trim.
(masterpiece, best quality, highres, absurdres, intricate details, highly detailed skin)  NSFW, (((Ultra detailed, large breasts, Megapixel))) 
Sketched on rough whitened parchment. In the foreground a jaw-dropping erotic PocahontasWaifu, her signature deerskin dress now split up to the thigh and indecent in several ways, ((brown laced half-cup corset))) ((breasts hanging out)), nipples, (beautiful detailed eyes:1.25), perfect face, sexy thighhigh stockings with garter belt, and laced soft light brown knee high stiletto boots. Her long straight jet black hair is pulled back to cascade along her back, (include small additional view of (explicit:1.35) content:1.3), dark forest background
@Laura . she is wearing all black. black Nike tennis shoes black baggy sweatpants black sports top black hair band and her hair is pulled up into a bun. her hair is golden blonde. her eyes are golden brown. she has a serious face. she is in her gym standing tall with her arms crossed training her clients. she is a personal fitness trainer.@Laura . she is wearing all black. black Nike tennis shoes black baggy sweatpants black sports top black hair band and her hair is pulled up into a bun. her hair is golden blonde. her eyes are golden brown. she has a serious face. she is in her gym standing tall with her arms crossed training her clients. she is a personal fitness trainer.@Laura . she is wearing all black. black Nike tennis shoes black baggy sweatpants black sports top black hair band and her hair is pulled up into a bun. her hair is golden blonde. her eyes are golden brown. she has a serious face. she is in her gym standing tall with her arms crossed training her clients. she is a personal fitness trainer.
@Laura she's wearing black tennis shoes black sweatpants and a black sports top her hair is in a tight perfect bun on top of our head. she is at the gym training her clients.
wonder woman,
sexy mood, sexy pose,
black hair,
looking at viewer,
red aura light,
black background,
masterpiece, best quality, highres, hmfre, blonde hair, braid, beret, black headwear, earrings, armlet, plaid, bare shoulders, black bow, black dress, wrist cuffs, bracelet, belt, fishnet pantyhose, idolmaster cinderella girls, , night, city, street, standing, cowboy shot,
One female, red_eyes, black hair, extreme long hair, straight_hair, run down hair, wonder woman suit, sad_face, masterpiece, best quality, ultra detailed, (detailed background), perfect shading, high contrast, best illumination, extremely detailed, ray tracing, realistic lighting effects, neon noir illustration, perfect generated hands, looking at both hands with sadness, full-body_portrait, (black lipstick), black eyeliner, black eye shadow:1.3, pale skin:1.4, black fingernails, black cape, fur cape & long. Background fire-around, rocks, ruins, rain-fire, lightning in the distance.
1girl, old woman, diagon alley, solo, looking at viewer, short hair, black hair, 1boy, hat, jewelry, upper body, outdoors, blurry, black shirt, black headwear, blurry background, photorealistic, old, old woman, Harry Potter style, witch hat, analog style, diagon alley
[Wonder Woman|Supergirl|captain marvel], with [black|blonde|platinum punk] hair, (dressed as a belly dancer concubine princess, wearing opulent body covered in long flowing billowing liquid detailed sheer translucent gown and robe), in a bouduoir, skinny thin athletic body, (leaning back) on bed, (inviting, beckoning to camera:1.3), smirking, sexy, knee up, (detailed close up fingers),empty hands, warm lighting, luxurious, royal, professional comic book style, flat shading, dynamic upshot, thepit style, dramatic cinematic lighting, (foreshortened perspective:1), intricate artwork, detailed lines
1girl, old woman, solo, looking at viewer, short hair, black hair, 1boy, hat, jewelry, upper body, indoors, blurry, black shirt, black headwear, blurry background, photorealistic, old, old woman, Harry Potter style, witch hat, analog style
cyberpunk, a portrait of a cyborg man, Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, (cyberpunk augmentations:1.2), (mechanical bodyparts and prostheses:1.4), black leather coat, black headwear, neon city bokhe
("Hufflepuff" crest: 1.4) , (oil painting) portrait of a relaxed teenager with curly red hair in the Harry Potter universe, he is wearing a black cloak, relaxed personality, sharp image, black background
,psionicmagic , psychic energy  , mana flow,   shimmers, red hair, glowing eyes, radiating aura ,
 1girl, hermione granger, alternate legwear, between breasts, black cardigan, black cloak, black thighhighs, blurry, blurry background, breasts,  brown hair, candle, cardigan, cloak, clothes lift, dress shirt, glowing, gryffindor, hair strand, hogwarts school uniform, holding wand,
masterpiece, best quality, , 1girl, jasmine \(senran kagura\), black hair, long hair, brown eyes, happy, open mouth, blush, facing to the side, looking at viewer, sideways glance, collarbone, breasts, huge breasts, large breasts, cleavage, shirt, collared shirt, white shirt, business suit, coat, black coat, open coat, bra, black bra, skirt, miniskirt, black skirt, panties, white panties, thighhighs, white thighhighs, sitting, park, park bench, outdoors, sunset, legs apart, dated, cowboy shot, simple background,
Rapunzel and elsa from frozen with tattoos in streetstyle clothes, with super long blonde braids and half opened hair, ultra realistic, 8k, withe crop top, no 
squint, a black choker, black hotpants
[Wonder Woman|Supergirl], with [black|blonde] hair, (dressed as a belly dancer concubine princess, wearing opulent body covered in long flowing billowing liquid detailed sheer translucent gown and robe), in a bouduoir, skinny athletic body, (leaning back) on bed, inviting, beckoning to camera, smirking, sexy, knee up, (detailed close up fingers),empty hands,harsh lighting warm lighting, luxurious, royal, professional comic book style, flat shading, dynamic upshot, thepit style, dramatic cinematic lighting, (foreshortened perspective:1), intricate artwork, detailed lines
masterpiece, best quality, highres, hmfre, blonde hair, beret, purple headwear, plaid, black necktie, sleeveless dress, corset, arm strap, black gloves, black thighhighs, striped thighhighs, garter straps, idolmaster cinderella girls, , outdoors, standing, cowboy shot, paris, smile, hand on hip, indoors, mirror
@model, striking contrast, black turtleneck bodysuit, elegant high-waisted belt, beside a dark horse, classic architecture, black and white composition, direct sunlight with sharp shadows, strong gaze, full body shot.
Rapunzel with tattoos in streetstyle clothes, with long blonde braids and half opened hair, ultra realistic, 8k, withe crop top, no 
squint, a black choker, black hotpants
Mulan, long black hair, black eyes,shirt, looking at viewer, smiling, close up portrait, outside, plaza, china, blue sky, high quality, masterpiece,
close portrait photography of a woman in a latex dress+++, best quality, ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), 1woman, black latex ,black bodysuit, white corset, look at viewer
dark fawn and white American Staffordshire Terrier mixed with Australian cattle dog , smiling, happy, looking at camera , highly detailed high quality photo , cleopatra eyeliner eyes , black nose, symmetrical fur pattern, black eyes
masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, pocahontas, dark skin, black hair, long hair, (floating hair:0.5), black eyes, nude, full body, lying on bed, nipples, breasts, pussy, looking at viewer, night, bedroom background