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1681 Young Girl Legs AI Generated Art

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(dynamic pose:1.2),(dynamic camera),cute mythological skinny slim young goddess,(long blonde curly hair:1.3),(look to camera),(posing for photoshoot:1.2), godrays,(wind swirl floating (milk splash) on abstract volumetric background:1.3), in the style of intimacy, dreamscape portraiture,  solarization, shiny kitsch pop art, solarization effect, reflections and mirroring, photobash, (composition centering, conceptual photography), , (natural colors, correct white balance, color correction, dehaze,clarity)
Laura,by,Leo,Litvac,Stephanie,Shoot,Gleam,DinaDayMakeup,Portrait,of,a,beautiful,young,red-haired,woman,Fe,freckled,Cheerful,girl,redhead,tall,freckles,foxy,girls,Close,up,portrait,g,Giorgia,Madeline,Ford,A,piece,fine,art,photography,titled,Soul,Mi,Katia,Sergey,Martynov,girl,,portrait,,ginger,,freckles,,green,,eye,,colo,Chrissie,Best,Portraits,&,Conceptual,Collection,Part,IV,blue,eyes,,deviantart,,and,image,Girl,Freckles,Face,Close-Up,David,J,Crewe,Portrait-,und,Beauty-Retusche,px,Image,result,for,touch,ice,ebook,Beautiful,fr,Lily,Cole,gallery,'Freckled',Maja,Topagi,-,Photograph,sss,nastia,vesna,on,femininity,WPixel,More,Than,Beaty,Justyna,Wi,,,lips,,natural,,face,,freckl,_marianna_m_fotogen_model_switzerland,the-perks-of-being-gina,Her,though,Stefan,Kothner,Photographer-,Untitled,Alla,Pisareva,Naked,Striking,Redhead,Teen,Dramatic,Female,Alessio,Albi,bad,blood,cristina-otero,a_-year-old_red-haired_catholic_girl_photographe,cabelos-tingidos-dicas,freckles-lindsay-adler-photography-EEA_origin,Lena,Dunaeva,pxcom,Red,Hair,,Blue,Eyes,,Portraitfotos,mit,redhair,in,casual,closes,Kumarov,Amkote,Michael,red,haired,with,looking,at,camera,avatar,Eliminar,las,manchas,de,la,piel,Tash,vphotography,studios,x,pix,Wallpaper,redhead,,long,hair,l,Hattie,Watson_main,winged,cateye,eyeliner,Hyperpigmentation,Norwegian,big,eyes,wpixel,,more,than,beauty,,women,,wrocaw,,LUCA,MENEGHEL,Photography,kissed,fire,Beauty,Gabriel,Ory,Girl,,Photography,,Portrait,,fresh,Northern,European,auburn,Photographer,Manuel,Pandalis,frecklehairs-lindsay-adler-photography-EEA_,Napozz,vatosan,napozsi,szablyok,brtpusonkn,ho,made,iconic,HD,Spring,close,lovely,mysterious,B,Photo,People,#model,#red,head,#freckles,#green,Kate,Sykes,Topcagic,The,Most,Inspiring,Young,Haired,Beauties,shot,Kristina,Varaksina,Henk,Deinum,Portfolio,women,redhair,,Wojtek,Polaczkiewicz,Loveful,babes,Marina,Murasheva_Deep,Sea_jpg,von,Freckled,girls,,stories,mature,sex,Retratos,Hair,series,Amber,xpx,KB,#,May,Sbastien,Roignant,Bryan,Dockett,Tutorial,How,to,Make,Stand,Out,Ligh,Alexandra,Pareigis,ClioMakeUp-lentiggini-efelidi-trucco-make-up-prote,Sansa,courtesy,Point,Model,Management,blue-eyes-jpg,To,Get,Natural,Looking,Faux,Glow,When,You,Ar,Makeup,Pale,nude,viewer,,h,Bree-LynnMistolPhotography-,prettiness,Shershunova,Alexey,Tyurin,Girls,Desktop,liaekaiteudo,Of,Month,Pho,Frederika,Urbanization,ginger,naked,can,n,face,model,*,*photo,preview,We,Are,Swedish,Captured,bricks,hai,Emily,Taaffe,Fabric,Magazine-jpg,pexelscom,Katy_BrickLane-jpg,Ksenia,Kibkalo,Na,twarzy,piegi,,serce,pokryte,bruzdami,Nieideal,depth,field,,Women,Eyes,At,Viewer,submissivelg,from,fellow,redheadshe,is,beauti,_,Michalina,Mondays,And,Redheads,Rungitom,Causes,Dark,Skin,Pigmentation,opaque-redhead-dreadlocks-nude-suicide-girls-,images,Lentiggini,con,occhi,marroni,Actress,Miranda,Turbitt,photographed,Nick,Walte,Osannda,Hall,Photoshoot,Ha,Un,en,gros,plan,d'une,magnifique,belle,je,beautiful,,beauty,bone,,collarbones,,femme,rousse,aux,taches,ro,Julia,Yarochenko,LennyLW,Mesmerizing,Photos,Doing,What,They,Do,bare,shoulders,f,Prodn,barva,na,vlasy,aneb,kolik,henny,aplikovat,Mathilde,Guennadi,Ivanov-Kuhn,Facial,piercings,Via,#portrait,Rachel,online_JPG,Tertius,Alio-,Lara,Marek,Grohol,Photography-by-Maja-Topcagic-,females,eye,green,loo,SabrinaGuthier_Isabelle_Karlsruhe_web-,Cloe,yannickdesmet,Curls,Contest,Omg,love,the,orange,hues,th,Alyssa,single,gardiner,Fine-Art-Portrait-Fotograf-Bonn-Jennifer-jpg,L*,Lauren,Ftn,also,join,me,models-with-freckles,Sony,World,Awards,Ivana,Pejak,stunning,makeup,Tingere,i,capelli?,Ora,il,rosso,fa,tendenza,,scegl,Mariana,Kriguer,Nude,Sommersprossen,Sind,Schon,Gin,Beispiel,zur,Photoshop,Portrai,Tomas,Haluska,Jennifer_h_fotogen_model_schweiz_,Issues,That,Be,Signs,Serious,Health,Co,redheads,Jessica,Last,jpg,Piercings,#photography,#redhead,Lenka,Regalov,cityflower,Olomouc,frec,photograph,silver,nose,ring,Ginger,pink,lipstick,OCC,lip,tar,Lenn,Kseniya,Feeva,MENEGHAL,PUSSY,freckle,Jessicajpg,-year-old,Catholic,photographe, interstellar,-,Fizicienii,ar,putea,captura,lumina,de,la,captul,g,Black,hole?,,Amazing,facts,,Types,of,black,holes,Supermassive,hole,Black-hole-Interstellar,The,Hole,War,My,Battle,with,Stephen,Hawking,interstellar-black-holejpg,"","""",Gab,""""""""""""""""""""",black_hole_interstellar,,,What,are,in,space,?,BBC,Documentary,Univese,Most,Dang,trou,noir,supermassif,Photo,Gargantua,Beigazoldott,egyik,hres,elmlete,I,buchi,neri,,ma,cosa,sono,davvero?,Terza,parte,Super,primi,risultati,dell'Event,Horizon,Telescope,Monstrous,Of,Billion,Solar,Masses,Ha,ilustrao,artstica,buraco,negro,do,filme,Inte,jabb,,rszletesebb,fot,rkezett,egy,fekete,lyukr,S,sng,c,th,hnh,thnh,xung,quanh,h,en,lnh,super-massive-blackhole,via,lactea,agujero,ovjeanstvo,udruilo,snage,da,se,prvi,put,izravno,interstellar-black-hole,"""""""",three,planets,Un,gran,esfuerzo,global,persigue,primera,imagen,Blackhole,""A,Bowling-Ball-Sized,Relic,from,the,Viviamo,un,buco,nero?,ltimo,artigo,sobre,buracos,neg,A,strange,eyes,astronomers,Chn,dung,qui,vt,v,tr,n,Mt,Tri,mi,ngy,rceni,Ondas,gravitacionales,-captan-,-agujero,Interstellar,Astronomers,Are,One,Step,Closer,To,Figuring,Out,Ho,blackhole,Sugesto,podcast,para,entender,os,negr,hubble,telescope,images,photo,Bild,En,fullt,utvecklas,warpbubbla,Bubblan,fun,Hi,kh,Tc,ca,nh,l,m,s,,t,Kara,delik,hakknda,bilgilendiren,ok,etkileyici,Gi,nhng,thc,cht,vng,khng,gia,atau,lubang,hitam,""El,central,nuestra,galaxia,ti,shock,find,'strange',objec,NASA'dan,dev,bulu,deliklerden,kurtulabilen,Fakta,Seru,dari,Foto,Pertama,Lubang,Hitam,Supermas,image,Comparison,YouTube,Gaur,neagr,Space,telescopes,spot,light,'echoing',behind,Light,a,hole?,Einstein,was,right,after,Can,we,solve,information,paradox,wi,l'avait,prdit,une,toile,danse,rosa,cn,fekete-lyuk,Gizemleriyle,hepimizi,byleyen,,evrendeki,gl,oldest,,most,distant,quasar,and,b,Holes,NASA,fastest,growing,-J-,new,theorem,predicts,that,stationary,Es,posible,que,una,nave,cruce,intacta,Loop,Quantum,Gravity,Theory,Offers,Glimpse,Beyond,Sputnik,'Star-eating',gives,experts,insight,typ_blackholejpg,GkBilimciler,Delii,Buldu,In,Universe,An,Analysis,Three,Orbiting,Break,Significant,Phy,radiation,sonic,had,its,Representacin,con,disco,ac,Intestellar,Diytattooimages,Hole,,Unicorn,Que,es,negro?,As,lo,explica,How,Building,for,Led,to,s,tht,hp,dn,Qu'est,ce,qu'un,agujeros,negros,Viden,,ahogy,kt,lyuk,egymssal,tncol,If,have,'hair',it,could,challenge,Eins,Con,ngi,i,khc,qua,su,terms,Escape,Velocity,Le,et,son,disque,d'accrtion,d,Blackhole-lead,Buraco,criado,em,laboratrio,mostra,Gravitational,Lensing,Shadow,real,artist's,impression,rotating,""Horyzont,zdarze,ang,Event,otaczajc,Ar,galtume,igauti,energij,juodosios,skyls?,Space-Black-Hole-x,supermassive-black-hole-aimed-at-earth,MTU,will,earth,be,sucked,into,est,dessin,par,artiste,Samanyolu'ndaki,byk,kara,bulundu,Gaura,care,ajut,stele,creasc,,loc,Pht,hin,hai,va,chm,claggie,Outer,Wallpaper,,Phone,Wallpap,Trovati,neri,giganti,,fino,miliardi,di,""Descubren,tan,grande,""""no,Missing,interpretation,bla,hole,,definition,study,A-Z,index,Cog,Image,result,Potna,supermasywna,czarna,dziura,J,posiada,agujero-negro-hawking,black-hole-,juodoji,skyle,gigantic,dormant,triggers,star,format,has,mass,billion,suns,New,formula,calculating,at,p,Wallpaper,Interesting,Crazy,Stuff,Spinning,agujero-negro,""""""""""""",fuso,VIDO,La,Nasa,dshabille,noir,,c'est,simulated,""Oto,najszybciej,powikszajca,si,znana,nam,cza,Resultado,imagem,fictional,Miller's,planet,orbiting,Alimlr,milyard,il,nc,iki,qara,dliyin,birlm,Gne'ten,bin,kat,Bilim,insanlarndan,Horizons,Supermasvna,ierna,diera,Cientfico,descubre,otro,mecanismo,formacin,deep,engine,LIGO-VIRGO,detektorok,rejtlyes,objektumot,tall,LB-,Gigantisk,sort,hul,Mlkevejen,EHT,blackhole-_jpeg,Digital,Painting,Stock,Illustration,D,Related,Hologram,essays,is,Einstein,,Genel,Grelilik,Teorisi,Simulator,Torrent,Download,removal,Bir,Astrofiziki,,Zaman,Makinesi,Yapmann,Yolunu,B,deliin,ilk,fotoraf,ortaya,kyor,Tar,Planets,around,Calculations,show,pos,bt,trong,thng,Tbb,ezer,hemzseghet,Tejtrendszer,Une,autour,d'un,thorie,Fuente,ESA,ES,Panoramic,degree,Deep,space,,darkness,sta,don't,scared,,it's,just,an
Watercolor painting Surrealistic,front shot,far shot,wide angle shot,((the huge bird spreading big wings formed within the contours of the girl's chest, frontal face of the girl)),double exposure BREAK details illustration on the colorful bird with Miki Asai Macro photography,fantasy art brush on the bird,mythical created bird BREAK details illustration on a thinkful face of the girl,colorful composition,mysteriously colored,charming light,8k,detailed illustration,dreamy,amazing,, . Vibrant, beautiful, painterly, detailed, textural, artistic
(dynamic pose:1.2),(dynamic camera),cute mythological skinny slim young goddess,(long blonde curly hair:1.3),(look to camera),(posing for photoshoot:1.2), godrays,(wind floating colorful swirl from (chrome strips) on abstract volumetric background:1.3), in the style of intimacy, dreamscape portraiture,  solarization, shiny kitsch pop art, solarization effect, reflections and mirroring, photobash, (composition centering, conceptual photography), , (natural colors, correct white balance, color correction, dehaze,clarity)
Street photography , analog raw candid photo of a beautiful young woman leaning on a brick wall,nude under a denim jacket, natural breasts, closed mouth, realistic skin texture, blond hair, slim, erotic, relaxed, haze lighting, spring, (analog:1.3), specular lighting, (wide shot:1.2), F/5, (cinematic still:1.2), 35mm photograph, film, professional, (skin texture visible:1.5), natural breasts, realistic skin, skin pores, skin moles, skin imperfections, visible skin detail, skin fuzz, dry skin, (detailed eyes), (detailed facial features), detailed skin texture, sharp focus, F/5, 35mm photograph, film, professional, photographic, editorial photograph, hyperdetailed photography, soft light, Direct light, natural lighting, film grain, photography, (photorealistic:1.4), dslr, f2, 16mm, 50mm, 35mm, Kodak UltraMax 400, Fujifilm Superia Premium 400, Nikon D850 film stock photograph, Kodak Portra 400 f1.6 lens, Dramatic, Atmospheric, 8k, UHD, color graded portra 400 film, analog raw photo, amateur photo, film stock photograph, photorealism, amazing fine detail, absurdres, lifelike
street photography, skater girl, black and white,
analog street photography of a girl with light smile,
best quality, harry potter cinema poster,girl,manaka laala,
professional portrait, goth girl, velma from scooby-doo, a girl wearing eye glasses and an orange top, gorgeous figure, ultra detailed photograph, wearing an off shoulder slim sweter, natural body posture, captured with a 85mm lens, bokeh, ultra accurate detailed, bokeh lighting, surrealism, urban setting, goth style mood, dark eye makeup, in the style of jessica drossin, Bubble Bouffant Hair, female, (curvy:1.3), thicc, huge ass, perfect soles, big ass, ass up wait feet, (pale skin:1.3), (huge jet black 60's bouffant hair:1.3), red lipstick, (high detailed skin:1.1), wide jaw, (ultra detailed skin:1.3), 4k, realistic, (photorealistic:1.3), (shadows:1.2),    finely detailed face, flawless seductive big bright blue eyes, luscious lips, wide jaw, detailed skin, glossy skin, skindentation, narrow waist (masterpiece:1.5), (best quality:1.5), (intricate details:1.5), (sharpen details), (ultra detailed face, ultra detailed eyes, ultra detailed mouth, ultra detailed body, ultra detailed hands, ultra detailed clothes:1.5) (massive breasts:1.2), (perfect hands:1.3), (small waist:1.1), (thick thighs:1.1), wide hips, (easynegative, badhandv4, BadDream, verybadimagenegative_v1.3,:1.4)
girl, Mermaid, (Raining,Scifi Background),Chubby,Very Big Breasts,Over the shoulder,Very Long Hair,fish,aquarium,Braid,(violet Peplum,lavender Bell Bottoms:1.3),idolmaster cinderella girls,Digital Watch ,(masterpiece,detailed,highres:1.4)
Creative portrait photography, A shot with tension, chess, (wide shot, wide-angle lens, low angle, Panoramic:1.2), 1girl, (looking at viewer:1.5) determined,  pointing at viewer, nice hands, perfect hands, attacking the audience, (sky glows red, Visual impact, giving the poster a dynamic and visually striking appearance:1.2), reflective floor, (dramatic, gritty, intense:1.4), contrast of warm and cool tones, vivid details, Uneasy atmosphere, masterpiece, best quality, 32k uhd, insane details, intricate details, hyperdetailed, hyper quality, high detail, ultra detailed, Masterpiece, dark art, violent,
girl, (hotify:1.2), (girlfriend:1.4), (Bright,Bike Background:1.4),Skinny,Small Breasts,(Prostration),Very Short Hair,Ringlets Hair,(silver Blouse,orange Bodycon skirt:1.3),idolmaster cinderella girls,Butt Booster ,(masterpiece,detailed,highres:1.4)
Girl wearing city in architectural design inspired by rose
(EmWat69:1.2), girl, solo, (Jasmine_Shurik-2000:1) walking in "Arabian city"
((artistic aesthetic candid cinematography shot of polaroid optical [Refractive macrophotograph:1.7] in telephoto metalens of)),
Femininity (also called womanliness) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with women and girls. Femininity can be understood as socially constructed,[1][2] and there is also some evidence that some behaviors considered feminine are influenced by both cultural factors and biological factors.[1][3][4][5] To what extent femininity is biologically or socially influenced is subject to debate.[3][4][5] It is conceptually distinct from both the female biological sex and from womanhood, as all humans can exhibit feminine and masculine traits, regardless of sex and gender.[2]
Traits traditionally cited as feminine include gracefulness, gentleness, empathy, humility, and sensitivity, though traits associated with femininity vary across societies and individuals, and are influenced by a variety of social and cultural factors. 
, coy sweet look, cute delicate facial traits, nivea,ancient elegant , respectfull ancient housewife, romance, pale eyes, old memory, nostalgia, golden hour skin tone, super windy, lens flare, atmospheric phenomena, As smooth as satin, fresh and white Firm breast, [(tiny: 1.6) Breast red-tipped]; Alluring  Breast taut, dark gradient spot, fuzzy, timelapse, vinilic clay space, spotless mind, BBB, Teuven, Belgie, Slenaken, Messalla and Salinator, 2000 AD, thriller storm, with multifocal 300mm, conceptual , hurricane,glown firefly braid ropes, contorted, wanderer, artistic interpretation, pardon, abandon, Subjective Refraction,  busto, malacard, shot in IMAX, cosy, optography phoropter
girl, (hotify,digital art,fit,hot body,instagram:1.2), (hottie:1.4), (Dusk,Abstract Background:1.4),Hourglass Body,Tiny Breasts,(Twerking, breasts focus),Short Hair,Fishtail Braids,(fuchsia Top,black Cargo Pants:1.3),idolmaster cinderella girls,Bullet Bra ,(masterpiece,detailed,highres:1.4)
RAW photo, best quality, masterpiece, realistic lighting, photo realistic, soft lighting, soft glow from othe lights, best quality, from behind, a girl wearing a long white dress, standing on the facade near the railing, in the middle of a massive modern library in the style of Tianjin Library, highly glossy and reflective flooring, modern white bright ((bright white color palette)), architecture, spacious, extremely tall ceiling, artistic architectural photography ,futuristic lines and architecture, massive sized gargantuan library space, massively open space, books everywhere the eyes sees, bright white library, concrete matte interior, clean minimalist architecture, semi reflective floor, neon lights, ultra wide angle, orange neon glow on the first floor, ultra wide angle lens
RAW photo, subject, 8k uhd, dslr, soft lighting, high quality, film grain, Fujifilm XT3A captivating extreme close-up of a beautiful young woman surrounded by the lush Indonesian forest, (tropical paradise:1.4), (rich greenery:1.3), (soft sunlight filtering through leaves:1.4), Indonesian landscape photography style, inspired by Rio Helmi and Gunarto Song, (serene and enchanting:1.4), 4K UHD image, Highly detailed, (captivating:1.3), (tropical and serene:1.2), (Balinese charm:1.3)
(realistic:1.3), finely detailed, quality, rembrandt lighting, (masterpiece:1.2), (photorealistic:1.2), (best quality), (detailed skin:1.3), (intricate details), dramatic, ray tracing, 1girl, 21 years old, detailed skin texture, (blush:0.5), (goosebumps:0.5), subsurface scattering, smiling, medium breasts, hmfre, blonde hair, braid, beret, black headwear, earrings, armlet, plaid, bare shoulders, black bow, black dress, lace, collared dress, buttons, wrist cuffs, bracelet, belt, fishnet pantyhose, idolmaster cinderella girls, cowboy shot, (bright sunny day, tokyo, garden, bushes, flowers, trees, dynamic pose),
(EmWat69:1.2), girl, solo, jasmine, walking in "Arabian city"
joker +in a dystopian cyberpunk city, 
Green hairs,
purple neon suit-like armor
cyborg modification,  
cyberpunk armor, 
cyborg, fighting pose, 
( sharks cyborg), 
neon shark sign
(blue neon tattoos:1.2), 
mad smile, 
looking at the camera, 
cyber visor, 
dark misty street, 
wearing cyberpunk armor, 
neon signs, misty,
 cyborg purple eye, 
cyborg arm, 
exposed leg, 
neon on body, 
((artistic aesthetic candid cinematography shot of polaroid optical macrophotograph in telephoto metalens of)),gonewild, hotwife, realgirls, palegirls, gonemild, godpussy, gingersh, coy sweet look, cute delicate facial traits, nivea,ancient elegant , respectfull ancient housewife, romance, pale eyes, old memory, nostalgia, golden hour skin tone, super windy, lens flare, atmospheric phenomena, As smooth as satin, fresh and white Firm breast, [(tiny: 1.6) Breast red-tipped]; Alluring  Breast taut, dark gradient spot, fuzzy, timelapse, vinilic clay space, spotless mind, BBB, Teuven, Belgie, Slenaken, Messalla and Salinator, 2000 AD, thriller storm, multifocal 300mm, conceptual , hurricane,glown firefly braid ropes, contorted, wanderer, artistic interpretation, pardon, abandon, fallen slow motion, Subjective Refraction,  busto, malacard
(((Masterpiece))), (((Best Quality))), ((Super Detail)) , (An extremely fine and beautiful lady: 1.4), cinematic,(8k wallpaper, macro photography vivid colors), beautiful eyes,  royal, seductive, seductress, 1girl, (mature female:1.3), adult female, 30 year old,shiny hair, long hair, (milf:1.2), (slim body:1.3), tall body, (red eyes:1.3), (large breasts:1.2), succubus, demon girl, (large demon horns:1.2),  (demon tails:1.3), (succubus tail:1.3), earrings, parted lips, (night:1.3), rose petals, (evil face:1.2), seductive smile, grin, (smirk:1.2), makeup, large lace choker, large necklaces, head tilt, , collarbone, sexy pose, scenery, forest, nature, outdoors, tree, water, trees, white skin, 1girl, (glowing tattoo:1.3), erotic tattoo, crotch tattoo,  , alecta, alecta (league of angels), black feathered wings, black wings,
((small breasts:1.3)) ((cinderella costume)), RAW photograph explosion of color, in space, stars hotography KatieLeclerc RAW photograph explosion KatieLeclerc, ((2000s photograph)),  vintage Polaroid Swinger, 75mm f/1.0, 1/260s, ISO 50, by Frank Frazetta  ((sticky skin:1.1))  big hips leg-split cum in hair, cum on hair, cum string, cum on body, cum everywhere, excessive cum, cumdrip:1.25),
(dynamic pose:1.2),(dynamic camera),cute mythological skinny slim young goddess,(long blonde curly hair:1.3),(look to camera),(posing for photoshoot:1.2), godrays,(wind swirl floating (mint leaves) on abstract volumetric background:1.3), in the style of intimacy, dreamscape portraiture,  solarization, shiny kitsch pop art, solarization effect, reflections and mirroring, photobash, (composition centering, conceptual photography), , (natural colors, correct white balance, color correction, dehaze,clarity)
Johnny Depp, Relaxed man @JohnnyDepp, beanie and hoodie, lounging in an armchair, soft light highlighting his sharp features, serene expression, the indoor setting's warm hues complementing his earthy attire, a relaxed portrait with a homey, laid-back atmosphere.Johnny Depp, Relaxed man @JohnnyDepp, beanie and hoodie, lounging in an armchair, soft light highlighting his sharp features, serene expression, the indoor setting's warm hues complementing his earthy attire, a relaxed portrait with a homey, laid-back atmosphere.
Portrait of a beautiful woman surrounded by fire, portrait of beautiful young maiden, warhammer, some red water, the middle ages, sfw, digital painting, fan art,detailed, perfect anatomy,reflection light, realistic light,8k octane wallpaper,hardline,highly detailed,intricately detailed,digital painting, fan art,ultra detailed, best quality,masterpiece, (volumetric lighting, bright),novelai, aesthetic, masterpiece, macro photography vivid colors, photorealistic, cinematic, moody, rule of thirds, majestic,  <hypernet:vaeextremecolors_v10:0.3>,:10000,
upper waist portrait of a gorgeous young woman , art by Greg Rutkowski, Photograph, Playdough figure of a Raw digital photo, Boring short Art Deco [Bene Gesserit:Cinderella:4], Playing in a band, wearing Liquid deep green Headband, Honey hair styled as Short and slicked back, background is Nurturing Great Pyramid of Giza, at Sunrise, split diopter, Anime screencap, Relieving, Mingei, Direct light, film grain, Canon RF, Circular polarizer, Primary Colors, crisp lines, Zentangle
girl, Mermaid, (Raining,Scifi Background),Chubby,Very Big Breasts,Over the shoulder,Very Long Hair,Butterfly Braid,(violet Peplum,lavender Bell Bottoms:1.3),idolmaster cinderella girls,Digital Watch ,(masterpiece,detailed,highres:1.4)
European girl, face, portrait, blue eyesEuropean girl, face, portrait, blue eyesEuropean girl, face, portrait, blue eyesEuropean girl, face, portrait, blue eyes
Film still,  Terminator,  performing with dancing girls,  cyberpunk 2077 cityscapes
((naked mature princess jasmine in turquois outfit, harem pants, thick long black hair, full body, olive skin, jewellery, exposed breasts, pert tits, droptop, oriental palace, middle eastern, domes and spires in background, bengal tiger in background)), ((nsfw)), photorealistic, photo, masterpiece, realistic, realism, photorealism, high contrast, photorealistic digital art trending on Artstation 8k HD high definition detailed realistic, detailed, skin texture, hyper detailed, realistic skin texture, armature, best quality, ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), high resolution, detailed, raw photo, sharp re, by lee jeffries nikon d850 film stock photograph 4 kodak portra 400 camera f1.6 lens rich colors hyper realistic lifelike texture dramatic lighting unrealengine trending on artstation cinestill 800,
BREAK, (masterpiece, best quality, absurdres:1.4), (highly detailed CG illustration), highly detailed, cinematic light, straight dynamic pose, official art, colorful, romanticism, the most beautiful form of chaos, elegant, a brutalist designed, abstract background, lantern, cloud, floral, hair flower, full body, expressions, BREAK, 1girl, (witch hat:1.5), long eyelashes, absurdly long hair, colorful hair, (white dress, Heterochromia:1.5)BREAK, (by Dave Seeley:1.7), (Maximalism:2), (complicated background, complicated decorations, complicated dress:2), (colorful eyes:1.4), (extreme detailed:1.5),(fractal art:1.1)BREAK, (masterpiece, best quality, absurdres:1.4), (highly detailed CG illustration), highly detailed, cinematic light, straight dynamic pose, official art, colorful, romanticism, the most beautiful form of chaos, elegant, a brutalist designed, abstract background, lantern, cloud, floral, hair flower, full body, expressions, BREAK, 1girl, (witch hat:1.5), long eyelashes, absurdly long hair, colorful hair, (white dress, Heterochromia:1.5)BREAK, (by Dave Seeley:1.7), (Maximalism:2), (complicated background, complicated decorations, complicated dress:2), (colorful eyes:1.4), (extreme detailed:1.5),(fractal art:1.1)BREAK, (masterpiece, best quality, absurdres:1.4), (highly detailed CG illustration), highly detailed, cinematic light, straight dynamic pose, official art, colorful, romanticism, the most beautiful form of chaos, elegant, a brutalist designed, abstract background, lantern, cloud, floral, hair flower, full body, expressions, BREAK, 1girl, (witch hat:1.5), long eyelashes, absurdly long hair, colorful hair, (white dress, Heterochromia:1.5)BREAK, (by Dave Seeley:1.7), (Maximalism:2), (complicated background, complicated decorations, complicated dress:2), (colorful eyes:1.4), (extreme detailed:1.5),(fractal art:1.1)
girl, (monochrome:1.2), (hotify:1.2), (wallpaper:1.4), (Snowing,Dark:1.4),Musclegut,No Cleavage,(Karate Pose),Short Hair,Marcel,(lime Motorcycle Jacket,pink Parachute Pants:1.3),idolmaster cinderella girls,Fishnets ,(masterpiece,detailed,highres:1.4)
joan of arc, beautiful knight wearing armor, (blonde hair), curvy, strong, blue eyes, [Flirty character portrait], (((full body))), (((1girl full body))), ((wide shot)),(1girl looking away),( wide big eyes:1.1), (extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper), (standing on a french battlefield), french countryside, masterpiece, ((highres)), shallow depth of field, Sharp focus, hdr, 8k, Cannon EOS 5D Mark III, 85mm, Cinematic , asymmetry, Amazing photography ,dynamic compositon, full body photo, De-Noise, f 5.6 , 85mm, CineStill 800T, film photo, flowing, elegant pose, realistic portrait, round eyes, skin texture, soft natural lighting, intimate composition, Cinestill 800T, modelshoot style, (8k wallpaper), perfect, masterpiece, highres, absurdres,broad light, Sharp focus, natural lighting, masterpiece, 4K, high quality, ((slim)), (smirk), (big eyes) <hypernet:incaseA3_v18000Steps:0.3>  <hypernet:Midjourney:0.2>
Girl wearing city in architectural design inspired by sun
Masterpiece, realistic, 8K, Raw, 1 girl, hijab, mulan, pale skin,
(EmWat69:1.2), girl, solo, Jasmine_Shurik-2000 dress, walking in "Arabian city"
girl, (eyes, eyeshadow, detailed eyes), (hotify,digital art,fit,hot body,instagram:1.2),(hottie:1.4), (Vintage,Cemetery Background:1.4),Toned Body,Tiny Breasts,(Showering),Long Hair,Fishtail Braids,(beige Cardigan,brown Jodhpurs:1.3),idolmaster cinderella girls,Costume ,(masterpiece,detailed,highres:1.4)
tilt-shift photo of manga style Conceptual Art, On the peak of the mountain, a girl stands, gazing at the sunrise with a nostalgic expression, with a sea of clouds behind her. She appears as if reminiscing the golden moments of her past, the wind gently tousling her hair giving a melancholy yet beautiful atmosphere to the scene. The clouds in the background look like a soft bed, inviting and warm, echoing her deep emotions. Photo taken by Adrian Burt with a Nikon D850 and a 24-70mm lens, Award Winning Photography style, Natural lighting blended with cinematic lighting to enhance the golden hues of the sunrise, 8K, Ultra-HD, Super-Resolution, concept art . vibrant, high-energy, detailed, iconic, Japanese comic style . Selective focus, miniature effect, blurred background, highly detailed, vibrant, perspective control
((body portrait, body shot, dynamic sexy pose)), professional intricately detailed award winning glamor photograph, night time, 20 year old 1girl, Harley Quinn inside a dark chemical plant, seductive fit figure, (thick smeared clown make up:0.4)|goth makeup|(joker makeup:1.2), Margot Robbie|(Jennifer Connelly:0.6), (clad in a skintight red and black striped sexy jester outfit:1.3), (Harley Quinn outfit:1.2), toned body, sweaty, (pleated tartan mini skirt, thigh boots, stripped stockings:1.2), baseball bat, steam rising from vats in the background rubbish, (blonde pigtails:1.2), dim  lighting, deep shadows, edge lighting, highly detailed, professional, soft volumetric lighting, lens flares, realistic, roughness, ultra realistic, photographed on a Canon EOS R5, 50mm lens, muted colors, F/2.8, HDR, 8k resolution, highres, high detail, sharp focus, smooth, roughness, real life, photorealism, photography, 8k uhd,
(realistic:1.3), finely detailed, quality, rembrandt lighting, (masterpiece:1.2), (photorealistic:1.2), (best quality), (detailed skin:1.3), (intricate details), dramatic, ray tracing, 1girl, 21 years old, detailed skin texture, (blush:0.5), (goosebumps:0.5), subsurface scattering, smiling, medium breasts, hmfre, blonde hair, braid, beret, black headwear, earrings, armlet, plaid, bare shoulders, black bow, black dress, lace, collared dress, buttons, wrist cuffs, bracelet, belt, fishnet pantyhose, idolmaster cinderella girls, cowboy shot, sitting, (bright sunny day, tokyo, garden, bushes, flowers, trees, dynamic pose),
adventure girl, lara croft, forest temple, anime eyes
(super_beautiful_detailed masterpiece best_quality unity_8k_wallpaper highres absurdres background), depth of field, perfect lighting, cinematic shadows, BREAK
 (super_perfect_good anatomy head face fingers limbs arms hands legs, slender, constricted waist), BREAK
 (super_beautiful_detailed 1delusion_woman_25yo body gigantic_long_sagging_breastss hair elongated_eyes nose open-mouth skin), orgasm, solo, BREAK
 (super_beautiful_detailed rapunzel nun habit bodysuit gloves), , ruins in a desolate wasteland, (pose beautiful_cinematic_angle scenery background wonderful_match)
The Joker,,wearing bold eclectic styles, punk elements , holographic prints, metallic accents, , realistic,male focus,, (half cyborg:1.2), , Cyberpunk Style,  (neon:1.2),  masterpiece, intricate, highly detailed, majestic, digital photography, hdr,  (night time:1.2) , (neon street:1.2),(full body:1.2), detailed cyberpunk background,  ,, ROBOZOMBIE, (mechanical legs:1.2), short,  (Gotham city:1.2), (wicked smile:1.2), detailed face, crouching
RAW photo,1girl,medium shot,a chtwchaeyo in a complex robot form by tony stark,wire, iron man,lighting armor,long hair,bun hairstyle,cyborg, robotic parts, 150 mm, vibrant details, luxurious cyberpunk, lace, hyperrealistic, anatomical, facial muscles, cable electric wires, microchip, elegant, dark place background, 8k, best quality, masterpiece, illustration, an extremely delicate and beautiful, extremely detailed ,CG ,unity ,wallpaper, (realistic, photo-realistic:0.8),Amazing, finely detail, masterpiece,best quality,official art, extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, absurdres, smile,incredibly absurdres,robot,silver helmet, ,low angle,expressionless,
super quality++, (unreal engine 5:1.3, 8k wallpaper, masterpiece, macro photography vivid colors, hyperrealistic:1.3), beautiful eyes, hard lighting, hard shadow, cinematic, royal, seductive, seductress, 1girl, (mature female:1.3), adult female, 30 year old,pink hair, long hair, (milf:1.2), (slim body:1.3), tall body, (glowing red eyes:1.2), (large breasts:1.2), succubus, demon girl, (large demon horns:1.2),  (demon tails:1.3), (succubus tail:1.3), earrings, parted lips, (night:1.3), rose petals, (evil face:1.2), seductive smile, grin, (smirk:1.2), makeup, large lace choker, large necklaces, head tilt, , collarbone, sexy pose, scenery, forest, nature, outdoors, tree, water, trees, white skin, dress, belly dancer clothes, arabian robe, robe, egyptian robe, belly dancer,revealing clothes,pelvic curtain,dancer, harem, 1girl,
A powerful portrait of The Joker,  stunning quality, (standing in a forest), Canon EOS R, 50mm lens, prime lens, masterpiece, deep depth of field, sharp focus, (intricate textures:1.2), (dream-like atmosphere:1.2), high quality, 8k, stunning quality, (haze:1.3), (detailed haze:1.3)